I have always enjoyed helping others and becoming a healthcare provider just felt so natural to me. Being able to help others live healthier, longer lives and have a better quality of life makes me even more passionate about my job. Opening my own provider's office allows me to bring personalized care to the community and surrounding areas.
Mom is Debby Barnard and Dolly was her 14 year old service dog who passed away in October of this year. Their bond was special as Dolly was more than just a companion.
The men and women participating in the Tribute Climb know that they could be called at any time to similar circumstances and it's clear from their dedication to this moment that they too would not hesitate.
The group displayed modified and unaltered Palestinian flags and an inverted American flag with a message about America paying for genocide and red handprints on it.
Presented by the Lincoln County Republican Party at the Depoe Bay Community Center the two candidates met cordially with a handshake before the event and took their respective seats.
As an American I can only speculate at how bad Europe usually smells in the summer. But, come the beginning of the Summer Olympics, add another half a million people to a country the size of 3 square shaped states and the risk of olfactory assaults rises exponentially.
Then, on top of that, toss in a few thousand athletes wearing nothing but tennis shoes, tank tops and nylon shorts and you've got a recipe for fungal disaster.
While he lay paralyzed in the grass and mud with a broken shoulder blade and broken elbow he struggled to gather his thoughts and tried to find the strength to call out for help. His cell phone had fallen just three feet away from where he landed but it was of no use because he couldn't move to pick it up.
In agonizing torment, Jay could hear a neighbor come near but he didn't have the energy he needed to yell loud enough to be heard.
For three hours he had to wait, flat on his back, for the exact moment when his voice was strong enough to shout and his neighbor would be near enough to hear him.