Winter Whale Watch Week provides an opportunity to see not only the gray whales but other coastal wildlife including birds and other marine mammals with help from trained volunteers and rangers
Mom is Debby Barnard and Dolly was her 14 year old service dog who passed away in October of this year. Their bond was special as Dolly was more than just a companion.
a Lincoln County Grand Jury found that Lincoln City Police Officers Cody Snidow, Jaylan King and Joshua Lane were each justified in their use of deadly physical force against Francisco Campos
Several Oregon State Parks will close or partially close starting in September for construction work on many items from replacing aging infrastructure to adding bathrooms and showers.
Carey, a Phoenix native, enrolled at OSU in the fall after the Tokyo games. She felt very welcomed by the team and the whole campus there. "From the minute I stepped on campus and met the gymnastics coaches, I felt connected and cared for," Carey said in an interview with OSU’s Athletic Communications (
"Pet owners should keep their dogs on a leash and in sight to prevent them from coming across fish carcasses. Collect and bag up all garbage associated with cleaning fish, clean your coolers and gear and do not leave fish parts spread on the landscape that dogs could encounter.
The highest risk of salmon poisoning is usually September when salmon gather in rivers to spawn and die. These cases early in the year are unusual."
And while the desire and the knowledge of what needs to be done is available, what appears to not be available is the ability of the various government agencies with their respective fingers in the Devils lake pie to cooperate to save the lake and the creatures that depend upon it for life.
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is accepting public comment on proposed updates to the rules for excluding individuals from Oregon State Parks who commit violations, including endangering the safety of visitors and staff (OAR 736-010-0020 and 736-021-0040).