Monday, March 10, 2025



Welcome to Dolly’s World

Mom is Debby Barnard and Dolly was her 14 year old service dog who passed away in October of this year. Their bond was special as Dolly was more than just a companion.

This Marine knows seafood

U.S. Marine  veteran Jon Barnard loves fresh seafood.  In fact, he loves it so much that he moved to the Oregon coast,  bought a boat and started a commercial fishing business so he could share his passion with everyone. "There's nothing better than coming off of the ocean to a meal of fresh seafood." says Barnard. From his boat 'El Desarae' Jon fishes to order for restaurants and individual customers.   "We are a custom order fish seller direct to end user. We sell today what we catch today. Our fish are individually caught, bled and iced to provide the freshest, high quality fish available. We fish seasonal catch including ling cod, nearshore ground fish species and albacore tuna."

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