Tuesday, March 25, 2025



Listen to the voters

The upcoming vacancy of position 3 on the Lincoln County Board of commissioners should be filled with person who just received 13,027 votes in the recent election. The recent election came down to less than one half of one percent. The difference of a 115 votes in an election where over 26,000 votes were cast demonstrates the wishes of Lincoln County voters.

Twenty years and five terms should have been enough time for Commissioner Claire Hall

Twenty years and five terms should have been enough time for Commissioner Claire Hall

Sheriff candidate not running as a shoo-in

Shanks will take the reins January 1, 2025, from retiring Sheriff Curtis Landers, who bequeaths a highly respected department but one that is understrength and underfunded. The LCSO is struggling to fill four deputy jobs and five corrections slots, vacant positions with real consequences for Lincoln County residents.

An old fashioned political debate

Presented by the Lincoln County Republican Party at the Depoe Bay Community Center the two candidates met cordially with a handshake before the event and took their respective seats.

A busy Saturday in the area

Then, as quickly as we arrived, we had to leave to stop in Depoe Bay for an old fashioned political debate sponsored by the Lincoln County Republican Party between County Commissioner candidates featuring the challenger, Depoe Bay City Councilor Rick Beasley and incumbent County Commissioner Claire Hall.

New ‘Patriots’ group stirs political scene

A countywide group of conservatives on March 9 basked in the afterglow of a series of events that drew headlines as well as the ire of some local progressives.

*Update/response*Fire Official: Citizens, Responders Were Imperiled by Downed High Voltage Line

An officer for the Depoe Bay Fire District (DBFD) has rebutted some claims that the agency was late to a January 11 fire that destroyed or damaged 10 vehicles when a high-voltage powerline fell on cars waiting for service at a local business. Three on-duty firefighters, the Fire Chief and Division Chief were spread across the district on three other calls when they were notified of the incident at 2:47p.m. A DBFD engine arrived at Car Audio 101-473 SW Hwy 101 seven minutes later, reported Division Chief Tom Jackson, second in command of DBFD.

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