Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Several dogs were sickened from salmon poisoning

"Pet owners should keep their dogs on a leash and in sight to prevent them from coming across fish carcasses. Collect and bag up all garbage associated with cleaning fish, clean your coolers and gear and do not leave fish parts spread on the landscape that dogs could encounter. The highest risk of salmon poisoning is usually September when salmon gather in rivers to spawn and die. These cases early in the year are unusual."

Sheriff seeks dog owner for bite victim’s peace of mind

Lincoln County Sheriff's Office is seeking the owner of a dog that accidentally bit a Lincoln City visitor Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 15th Street beach access in an effort to rule out if the victim is at risk for rabies.

Help us Find Gus

Please help us find Gus! Our truck was broken into and Angus was either taken or jumped out after them.

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