Saturday, March 8, 2025



Grand jury finds officer involved shootings justified

a Lincoln County Grand Jury found that Lincoln City Police Officers Cody Snidow, Jaylan King and Joshua Lane were each justified in their use of deadly physical force against Francisco Campos

The ongoing attempted assassination of Donald Trump

So the question begs, what rot was filling this 20 year old mind?  What images of Donald Trump had he conjured because of the media he was consuming? How great a threat was Trump to him and how heroic a figure would he have been (in his own mind) if he had succeeded?

Firearm discharge early Monday morning 4/8/24 **UPDATE:*

In a compelling video captured by and posted to the Lincoln City Homepage Community Facebook page by Eric Johnson the suspect can be seen handcuffed and lying face down on the wet asphalt of Hwy 101 outside of a vehicle.

Lincoln County 4-H archery youth competing at national championships

Twelve youth from Oregon are in Nebraska representing Archery, Shotgun, Smallbore Rifle, Hunting Skills and Wildlife Management.

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