The weather was perfect for a coast-wide garage sale weekend.
Here in Lincoln City many sellers opened their driveways and garages to bargain seeking visitors...
Controlled burning of slash piles on Cascade Head will be conducted to manage open grassland habitat by reducing woody material that was growing in meadow. The Nature Conservancy's Cascade Head trail will be closed Monday-Wednesday (April 15-17) for the safety of hikers and firefighters.
Join the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln City on Earth Day at D River State Recreation Site. This is a semi-annual beach clean-up party to help keep our beach and ocean clean. Supplies provided, or bring your own work gloves, grabber, and bucket! Meet at the D River Recreation Site off highway 101 and then head a group to pickup trash on the beach.
A countywide group of conservatives on March 9 basked in the afterglow of a series of events that drew headlines as well as the ire of some local progressives.
In a compelling video captured by and posted to the Lincoln City Homepage Community Facebook page by Eric Johnson the suspect can be seen handcuffed and lying face down on the wet asphalt of Hwy 101 outside of a vehicle.