And like the end of a ride, there is silence. No birds calling, no breeze rustling branches. No people talking about their day. Just silence as the fog like a night of thick falling snow dampens every sound around and I'm forced, visually, to simply take in what is before my eyes and slowly breath it in and out.
I encourage everyone - including myself - to do the necessary homework and seek the truth, not just someone’s biased Cliffs Notes of that truth before we blast out propaganda that fits our narrative.
It requires more work, but you will feel better about yourself, avoiding that terrible nagging feeling like I have carried with me all these years; thinking that I was a fraud and had cheated myself and my audience.
It might save you (and others) from passing on emotion-driven half truths that may actually turn out to be Much Ado About Nothing.
So the question begs, what rot was filling this 20 year old mind? What images of Donald Trump had he conjured because of the media he was consuming? How great a threat was Trump to him and how heroic a figure would he have been (in his own mind) if he had succeeded?
This May, Lincoln County voters have an opportunity to have a Trades Education facility that will train local community members for in-demand, well-paying and...
Either way, an eclipse is pretty cool. I like them because they make me pause for a moment and appreciate just how very small I am in the big scheme of things. And they mess with my chicken's brains. Which is always funny.