Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Fire Prevention Week seeks to douse chances of fire danger

Fire Prevention

This year’s Fire Prevention Week campaign – “Look. Listen. Learn. Be aware. Fire can happen anywhere” – will launch Oct. 7 and works to educate people about three basic but essential steps to reduce the likelihood of a fire.

The purpose of Fire Prevention Week is to bring awareness to the risk of death in case of a fire and provide educational resources to people of all ages, races and socioeconomic status.

The North Lincoln Fire & Rescue District has new materials to educate family members as to what to do and how to prevent fires, in addition to $2,400 in materials from the National Safety Fire Council/Fire Pup program.

While children under 5 and adults over 65 are at the greatest risk for injury or death in a fire, people of all ages are vulnerable. The risk of a nonfatal fire injury is highest for those between 20 and 49. Additional risk factors include race, socioeconomic status, education level and geographic location.

Not surprisingly, the No. 1 place for a fire to start is the kitchen. Kitchen and cooking fires are easy to prevent if you follow certain guidelines.

To help prevent and escape fires, NLFR is asking families to ask their children about materials they received from firefighters who visited their school, and to go over the materials which contain puzzles and word games to help promote fire and life safety.

For further information, contact:

Jim Kusz/District Captain

Public Education, Information & Safety Officer

North Lincoln Fire & Rescue District #1

St. Clair Station

4520 SE Highway 101

Lincoln City, OR 97367

[email protected]

541-996-2233 ext. 223; Office 503-407-0801

Homepage Staff
Homepage Staff
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