- Trim tree branches away from your house and power lines.
- Secure loose gutters and shutters.
- Identify an interior room of your house, such as a basement or interior bathroom, that you can take shelter in during high wind warnings.
- If you live in a mobile home, identify a sturdy building you can go to if NWS issues a high wind or severe thunderstorm warning.
- Update your emergency kit and be sure to include enough food and water to last for 3 days for each person in your home.
- Make a list of items outside your home you will need to tie down or put away so that they don’t blow away or fly through a window. When NWS issues a high wind or severe thunderstorm watch, immediately secure these items to avoid damage or injury once the wind starts picking up.

Never drive around barricades into flood waters! More than 50% of all flood fatalities are vehicle-related. It only takes 12 inches of water to carry off a small car and 18 inches of water to sweep a larger vehicle away. Turn Around Don’t Drown!tadd.weather.gov #FloodSafety