Friday, July 26, 2024

Nominations sought for workplace recognition of LCSD employees

Nominees are being sought to recognize Lincoln County School District employees who have demonstrated a high level of commitment, effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of their professional responsibilities or work-related duties.

Form External Link


The Compass Employee Recognition Program identifies those who demonstrate service excellence.

The Partners in Education Award is to honor those who have benefitted the school district or enhanced its mission. This recognition is designed to identify a member of the community and/or organization that has made a significant contribution to the Lincoln County School District.

Any employee, parent, or patron of Lincoln County School District may nominate an employee or partner in education for recognition by the Superintendent and the Board of Education in June. Nominations will be accepted through the electronic Google form. Any part-time or full-time employee is eligible to be nominated by self-nomination or by another employee or member of the community.

Beginning Teacher of the Year

  • 0-5 years of teaching (in or out of LCSD)
  • Demonstrate a commitment to the school community
  • Willingness to learn and adapt
  • Demonstrate effective teaching methods
  • Demonstrate classroom management
  • Open to sharing and collaboration

Classified of the Year

  • High job performance
  • Willingness to go above and beyond
  • Impact on the District
  • Professional relationship with other staff, students, parents, community
  • Commitment to self-improvement and professional development

Teacher of the Year

  • High job performance
  • Willingness to go above and beyond
  • Impact on the District
  • Professional relationship with other staff, students, parents, community
  • Commitment to self-improvement and professional development

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program of the Year

  • Activities and accomplishments that bring distinction to the
  • Innovation and or program excellence
  • Attempts to build and grow inclusively
  • The program reflects the diversity of the school
  • Foster and promote public/community involvement

Superintendent’s Award

  • Supports the mission of Every Child, Every Day, Future Ready

Partners in Education Award

  • Supports Ocean Literacy, Career and Technical Education, College and Career, Future Ready, or other district goals
  • Could support a classroom, school, or District-wide
  • Commits time, resources, and efforts to education

How are the selections made?

A committee with representation from staff (licensed, classified, administrative) will review the nominations and select winners based on the criteria. Those selected will be honored at the end of year school celebrations.

Please contact Tiana Tucker, HR Director 541-265-4436.

News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


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