Friday, March 28, 2025

Runners beware! Sheriff’s reminder to practice road safety

Every runner should take a few moments and consider their safety while running. Running is generally a safe activity, but there are still perils worth considering and preparing for.

For example, running at night, while often pleasant due to lower temperatures and decreased traffic, brings with it the added danger of decreased visibility. The weather can pose running safety risks; for example, running in extremely hot or cold weather requires special precautions, in addition to running in inclement weather.

Before the Run

Arrange to run with another person.
Leave word with someone or write down where you plan to run and when you will return.

Carry some I. D. and a cell phone.

Take a whistle with you.

Don’t wear a radio/headset/earphones or anything which distracts you so that you are completely aware of your environment.

Avoid unpopular areas, deserted streets, lonely trails – and especially avoid unlighted routes at night.

Vary the route and the time of day that you run.

Run in familiar areas.  Note the location of neighbors you trust along your route.

Know where police are usually to be found and where businesses, stores, offices are likely to be open and active.

During the Run

Always stay alert.  The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are.  Think about possible escape routes in case of confrontation.

Take notice of who is ahead of you and who is behind you.  Know where the nearest public sites are with some general activity – there is usually safety in numbers.

When in doubt, follow your intuition and avoid potential trouble.  If something seems suspicious, do not panic, but run in a different direction.
Run clear of parked cars, bushes, dark areas.

Run against traffic so that you can observe the approach of automobiles.
If the same car cruises past you more than once, take down even a partial license number and make it obvious that you are aware of its presence (but keep your distance).

If Confronted

Run toward populated areas, busy streets, open businesses.
Ignore jeers and verbal harassment.  Keep moving.

Use discretion in acknowledging strangers.  Be friendly, but keep your distance and keep moving.

Do not approach a car to give directions or the time of day.  Point toward the nearest police or information source, shrug your shoulders, but keep moving.  If you feel you must respond, do it while moving.
Don’t panic and don’t run toward a more isolated area.

For more information and tips, visit our web site at  and Like us on Facebook at Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office – Oregon.

News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


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