Thursday, March 27, 2025

Life Chain across Lincoln County

Life Chain volunteers gathered along Hwy 101 in Lincoln City

Sunday October 6 saw the return of the annual Oregon Right to Life “Life Chain.”

Held in both Newport and Lincoln City in front of their respective city halls groups of volunteers gathered to voice their support for the unborn.

Approximately 2 dozen prolife supporters silently held signs ranging from “Jesus Forgives and Heals” to “Life, the first inalienable right.”

For the most part passers by showed support for the gathering with many honks and thumbs up of approval. Those that held a differing viewpoint were, as usual, vulgar- bravely screaming obscenities from their moving vehicles.

Phil Magnan, retired Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Lincoln City had this to say about why he and the others gathered; “(We are) Being a visible presence of all those who want children to be treated with dignity, respect and love.”

Life Chain is a national event held every year on the first Sunday of October.

For more information go to their website here

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


  1. I was vacationing and this was really disturbing to me and my 10 year old daughter! We unfortunately, had to pass several times. It was very triggering to me. It was flat out disgusting. I can’t believe churches do this. You don’t control my body! Keep in your own lane.

  2. You cannot allow your PERSONAL feelings to sway your editorial when dealing with things like this. Until now, my family has realied on you for news. You disgust us now.

    • After having covered this and similar events for the last 3 years, yes, it’s pretty accurate reporting. Not once have I covered such events where a person with a contrary viewpoint would stop to engage and discuss their beliefs. They just throw a middle finger or an “F bomb” and run away.

  3. Thank you, Don, for this feature.
    People being in their most human form do willingly yell out their objections from the safety of their vehicle which as they view, is their right. I value life from conception, as do many, and continue to uphold the rights of the voiceless unborn.

  4. Regarding previous comment of “triggered, disturbed, & disgusted” mom of 10-year-old, I kept thinking about the minor daughter who also has no choice in the values nor behaviors of her mom. With her mom’s influence, she may someday believe how great it was that her mom “chose” to keep her when she could have taken her life for the sake of “you don’t control my body.”
    We’ve no real control, yet I hope one day this young girl will see her true value, not based upon anything but her identity as a person who God knew before she was formed.


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