Saturday, March 15, 2025

A win/win for health care in Lincoln City and the person providing it.

Elise Garrett, AGNP, of Ocean Medical in Lincoln City, OR

It’s a funny thing this story writing business.  I had done an interview with Elise Garrett, AGNP to share her story with Lincoln City. For those that don’t follow medical abbreviations, AGNP stands for Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner.

Elise has opened a new medical clinic here in Lincoln City and wanted to share the good news.

According to an AI definition; “An AGNP, or Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner, is a specialized nurse practitioner who provides comprehensive healthcare to individuals from adolescence through older adulthood, focusing on the unique health needs and challenges associated with aging.”

Well, how lucky are we in Lincoln City to have a new clinic open up to help us feel better and live a healthier life?

Elise dutifully answered my questions and as I was getting ready to share that with you, dear readers, Elise was kind enough to submit her own version of what we spoke of. And as the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” So, without further ado, I present Elise’s testimony.

“I originally grew up in Georgia. I’ve lived in Texas and Utah but I always wanted to live coastal. So I made the leap of faith and moved to Lincoln City about 2 years ago.
I’ve been in the medical field for approximately 30 years. I started working as a CNA when I was 17 yrs old. Originally, I thought that I’d like to do Labor and Delivery but at one point I took a job in Hospice and Palliative care. While doing that I met some really amazing people including a holocaust survivor, a man who worked with John Glenn the astronaut, another individual was a world traveler who would tell me all about his amazing adventures. I also took care of a spicy, little lady who was Lucille Ball’s stunt double…red hair and all! Everyone I cared for was very special to me. It was during that time that I realized I wanted to focus my career more and specialize in adults and geriatrics. So basically I treat anyone 18 and older.
I have always enjoyed helping others and becoming a healthcare provider just felt so natural to me. Being able to help others live healthier, longer lives and have a better quality of life makes me even more passionate about my job. Opening my own provider’s office allows me to bring personalized care to the community and surrounding areas. Our office is quiet and relaxing and we try to make it a pleasant experience for all.
I love learning new skills and spending time educating myself so I can bring a lot of different modalities and the most up-to-date ways of healing to my patients.
For fun, I love taking my chiweenie dog for walks on the beach and spending time with my family and grandchildren.
My future goals include adding more practitioners to our office and bringing more resources to our community. My personal goals are to travel more and of course, someday I’d LOVE to live beachfront!!!”

According to Ocean Medical’s website, “Elisa Garrett is a board certified Adult/Geriatric Nurse Practitioner (AGNP) with 40 years of experience in the medical field.

Elisa has exceptional clinical skills combined with her natural ability to build trust and rapport with patients and their families, giving you the best care possible!

She follows evidence-based guidelines blended with clinical experience while utilizing modern medicines as well as multiple methods of treatment.”

Also on the site is included this: “We are Lincoln City’s newest Medical Office! Founded in 2024, this clinic was born from a dream and frustration with the lack of reliable healthcare on the Oregon Coast.

Our goal is to become a trusted and reliable part of our community as we prove to you, that your healthcare matters most to us. Locally Owned and Operated.”

In our brief conversation Elise’s enthusiasm for her profession was clear. She wants to help everyone she sees to live their lives to their fullest potential; not simply by diagnosing symptoms and dispensing drugs by incorporating a holistic approach to health.

Her approach to medicine is one where lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise and as she says “grounding and earthing” are key components. 

There’s not much I can add except some facts such as where her new office is.

Ocean Medical is located near the DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) building at 4488 NE Devils Lake Blvd, Lincoln City, OR. Their phone number is (541) 614-0407. Office hours are Monday -Friday 7am-4pm. They have convenient web based appointment services which are located at

A Grand opening and ribbon cutting is scheduled for March 24,2025 at 12pm.

Ocean Medical is accepting new patients and looks forward to hearing from you.

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


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