The annual Celebration of Honor continues at Chinook Winds Casino and Resort in Lincoln City through September 14.
Amid the splendor of fluttering flags freely are displays of not just military equipment but also a replica of the Vietnam memorial as well as a Wall of Honor to showcase the humanity involved in serving our country.

It is difficult to not be humbled by the displays. Yes, they can be seen as tragic reminders of loss and pain but they can also evoke an emotion of gratitude and awe. Gratitude for those that served to protect the freedoms that can be so easily lost and awe at how simple, ordinary people can rise to perform extraordinarily brave (and many times costly) tasks when everything inside themselves must have screamed “save yourself!”
But it’s not just the static displays that can instruct at this celebration. Veterans are manning the displays to answer questions and sometimes offer comfort to those needing support as only those who have served can offer one another.
The Celebration of Honor continues September 14 until 1pm.
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