North Lincoln County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is hosting special guest speaker Althea Rizzo, PhD, Geologic Hazards Program Coordinator of Oregon Emergency Management, on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 6 PM at the Bob Everest Station, 2525 NW Hwy 101.
Dr. Rizzo will be talking about updated Tsunami Readiness Programs at the state level, and providing important information directed primarily at community leaders and first responders, but valuable for preparedness-minded citizens as well.
Dr. Althea Rizzo joined Oregon Emergency Management in 2008 as the Geologic Hazards Program Coordinator after completing a one year National Weather Service-funded program as Tsunami Coordinator for the City of Lincoln City. She is a member of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program and serves as the co-chair of the Warning Subcommittee. She is a member of the Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup and is the co-chair of the Education and Mitigation Subcommittee.
She has successfully implemented outreach programs for seismic hazards such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Dr. Rizzo has been a frequent instructor and lecturer on hazard mitigation, risk reduction and outreach program design and implementation.
This and all CERT meetings and training sessions are open to the public.
For more information about NLC CERT, or to have a CERT representative come talk to your business, organization, church, or neighborhood group, contact Public Information Officer JoDana Bright at 541-994-2700.