Tuesday, March 4, 2025

City announces business to provide affordable workforce housing

Lincoln City Council

April 28, 2020

The City of Lincoln City Announces Innovative Housing, Inc. to Provide Affordable Workforce Housing.

Lincoln City, a beach town of 9,000 residents on the Central Coast of Oregon, has announced a development partnership that will help tackle the affordable workforce housing crisis.

Lincoln City and the surrounding area face a crisis in the availability of housing options for their workforce and residents. According to the City’s 2017 Housing Needs Analysis, the median household income in Lincoln City is $35,524. About 55 percent of residents in the county are rent burdened, paying more than 30 percent of household income for housing costs (2011 Lincoln County Workforce Housing Needs Assessment). At the same time, employers struggle to hire and/or retain their workforce because of the demand for attainably priced housing.

Lincoln City has selected Innovative Housing, Inc. (IHI) to initiate the construction of approximately 70 to 80 apartment homes on a City-owned site on NE 25th Street, immediately north of St. James Episcopal Church & Santiago School.

IHI responded to the City’s 2018 Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) for the 25th Street site and other publicly-owned parcels. IHI has over 35 years of development experience and operates nearly 1,000 affordable units in Oregon. IHI designs developments to meet community needs in creative and effective ways, and pairs housing with wrap-around support services, including: eviction prevention, resource referrals, budgetary assistance, academic support and afterschool programs. If IHI is able to secure full funding sources for the project, the design phase will begin this summer with construction anticipated for fall 2021.

For more information about either the City or the URA, or with regard to this development project, please visit https://www.lincolncity.org/propertydevelopment, or contact:
Alison Robertson
Director, Lincoln City Economic Development & Urban Renewal Agency PO Box 50
Lincoln City, Oregon 97367 (541) 996-1095

News Release
News Release
This information was provided for dissemination to our readers via an outside agency.


  1. It’s a start to easing the lack of housing around here. In Portland I worked placing clients in housing from parole and probation and addictions services and dealt with a lot of the buildings IHI operate, some I believe at the time were Central City programs. Either way IHI looks like good choice for the job. However please house lincoln city residents only and not house people from valley programs!!! I’d love to see a 2 and 3 bedroom couples/family complex built, but one good bit of news at a time.


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