Wednesday, January 15, 2025

City pitches Urban Renewal plan for Nelscott area

Alison Robertson outlines city plans
Lincoln City presentation PowerPoint

On Wednesday night February 15, Urban Renewal department director Alison Robertson laid out the city’s Urban Renewal vision for the Nelscott district of Lincoln City.

Held in the community room at Oregon Coast Community College (OCCC), Robertson spent the first half hour laying the groundwork for what the city has in mind for projects in the Nelscott area.

The room was filled to capacity with residents, business owners and one young man who patiently ate pizza and played with his toy while his dad sat and listened,

The basics of Urban renewal were explained to the crowd. Those basics included where the money would come from, what the boundaries were and what projects could potentially be accomplished within the proposed twenty five year lifespan of the district.

A short question and answer period followed with most attendees seeming willing to accept the idea of the district being established except for one man that asked “What if we don’t want any of it?”

Attendees discuss the proposal

Members of the audience were directed to place a colored adhesive dot next to projects they approved of.

A few of the projects were:

Improved road connections between SE Lee and SE Twenty third.

A new connection between SE Twenty third Drive and Thirty second Street/Fleet Avenue connection and pedestrian striping, infill of sidewalk gaps and public parking.

While most of the crowd seemed appreciative of the information some expressed concern that there wasn’t sufficient notice given.

A common complaint was, “I didn’t even know this meeting was happening until a friend a called me and then we had a hard time figuring out where and when it was.”

Mayor Susan Wahlke was in attendance and said, “I’m really pleased with the turnout and the good questions.  I’m glad people are interested in giving us their input.”

The next public meeting will be held at the Eagles lodge 737 SW 32nd St Lincoln City at 6 p.m. on Wednesday March 15th.  For more information go to

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


  1. Be aware homeowners, we tried for about 5 years to get sidewalks near Walgreens to Homes Rd and other places. We spent several evenings at meetings, went to open house meetings and gave our views. NOTHING was ever done. So, we stopped.

  2. do what you like in south east. I live in southwest and there’s no room left for anything. Except Hullinger’s phony lot that is losing ground by the minute. Buy
    that 3 lot parcel before it’s all gone.

  3. How were we to know of this “meeting”????? And question,I thought Nelscott was on west side of Hwy 101,not east,doesn’t do any good to give your ” input”,the leaders have already made up their minds and planned accordingly to do what they “feel is better for all of us”!!!!!

    • 100% right i have been threw and seen one of there so called urban renewals. there minds and plans are already made up before you have a chance to give your input. Same as any gov. function they will do it there way public opinion don’t matter!!!


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