Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is accepting public comment on proposed updates to the rules for excluding individuals from Oregon State Parks who commit violations, including endangering the safety of visitors and staff (OAR 736-010-0020 and 736-021-0040).
The Exclusion Rule Advisory Committee, which includes representatives from the mental health community, attorneys, agency safety staff and park hosts, developed a set of recommendations to update the exclusion rules during a series of three public meetings.
The proposed updates will clarify the process for excluding individuals from Oregon State Parks who commit rule violations that endanger the safety of visitors, staff or park resources; provide clear information on how excluded individuals may request an appeal and how the appeals will be processed.
OPRD is accepting comments until 5 p.m. Nov. 3, 2023, and they can be made online, at a public hearing, in writing or via email:
Online: https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/PRP/pages/PRP-rulemaking.aspx
Mail: OPRD Department, Attn: Katie Gauthier, 725 Summer St NE, Suite C, Salem OR 97301
Email: [email protected]
Virtual Public Hearing: 2 p.m. Oct. 30. Must register in advance to receive conference link. Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eWNdOpNMSlqyK1hWS2RExg
Individuals who require special accommodations for the meeting should contact Helena Kesch at least three days in advance of the meeting at [email protected] or 503-881-4637.
Oregon Parks and Rec seeks public comment on proposed rules for excluding individuals from Oregon State Parks
Oregon Right to Life gathers outside City Hall

“We just want to give people hope.” said one participant in the annual Right to Life Life Chain event.
Held every year on the first Sunday of October a diverse group of men, women and children gathered to share their opinion in the abortion debate.
Both Newport and Lincoln City City Halls were the stage from which the groups held placards and returned waves to passing supporters or quick prayers for those that chose vulgar expressions to share their thoughts on the gathering.

The demonstrators there were from a mix of local churches. Asked why she was there a one lady said, “We’re just here to serve the Lord. To share a message that all life is precious.”
Said another, “We’re trying to protect life, new life, unborn life.”
The demonstrations are always silent with no confrontations or literature. The reaction from most drivers passing by seemed supportive with honks, waves and thumbs up outnumbering those sharing other digits.
According to OHSU Center for Women’s Health; “Abortion is legal in Oregon at all stages of pregnancy.” This includes up to the date of delivery.
While the subject is still being debated throughout the nation because of the overturning of Roe v. Wade the debate has been returned to the individual states to decide.
Oregon Right to Life’s website can be seen here.
A Reminder About Sea Lions on the Beach
As many of our readers on Lincoln City Homepage’s Community page on Facebook have seen, there have been sightings of sea lions on our beaches.
While hugely fascinating to see and tempting to approach, be reminded that these animals are both wild and possibly sick with a disease that can be fatal to dogs.
If you have concerns about a stranded or sick sea lion click here for more information from the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network.
A Waste of Time in Venice

In 1976 a movie called “Murder by Death” debuted. Written by Neil Simon, the story revolved around a group of mystery writer’s characters being brought to a secluded mansion where they became participants in a live murder mystery. Their host, Lionel Twain, played by the perfectly cast novelist Truman Capote gathered the group in a room and lambasted their creators through them:
“You’ve tricked and fooled your readers for years. You’ve tortured us all with surprise endings that made no sense. You’ve introduced characters in the last five pages that were never in the book before. You’ve withheld clues and information that made it impossible for us to guess who did it. But now, the tables are turned. Millions of angry mystery readers are now getting their revenge. When the world learns I’ve outsmarted you, they’ll be selling your $1.95 books for twelve cents.”
I’ve never been an Agatha Christie fan for the reasons expressed by Capote’s character, but I am a Kenneth Branagh fan. I thought his first foray as inspector Hercule Poirot in “Murder on the Orient Express was a well done effort into the difficult arena of Poirot portrayals. Death on the Nile was annoying and flimsy and I hoped that “A Haunting in Venice” would prove a stronger entry into the Poirot legacy. Nope.
Whereas Death on the Nile was beautifully filmed featuring lush cinematography in an exotic land, “A Haunting in Venice” looks more like a film school class assignment crammed into an abandoned Victorian house.
Striving to create a foreboding and claustrophobic atmosphere by filming actors in tiny rooms and darkened doorways, Branagh rather created a nauseating cluster of scenes filmed with the largest array of wide angle and fisheye lenses one could shoehorn into a movie.
The plot of the film revolves around the suicide of a young woman living with her mother Kelly Reilly. I think.
Reilly, like Gal Gadot in the last Poirot film, is the femme du jour fresh off her Yellowstone success. Neither were particularly interesting.
Woven throughout the story is a subplot of Poirot as a world-weary man who has seen so much death that he has retreated to Venice to hide himself from its stain. Sigh.
Enter the spunky, snappy 1940’s done to death trope mystery novel writer Ariande Oliver played by the bland and unusable Tina Fey who appears out of nowhere to drag Poirot back into crime solving to restore his “purpose in life.”
Nowhere are we given any insight into this condition except for a scene of his bodyguard fending off desperate people asking for his help. I assumed he was being protective of his privacy because of his celebrity. Nope.
Honestly, by the end of the movie I saw no reason for Fey to have been in the movie.
Her contributions were mainly reaction shots when Poirot would speak to someone else. Poirot would speak and Fey would shift her eyes back and forth like one of those kitschy Japanese cat clocks. All that was missing was a pendulum tail.
Combined with her patented Saturday Night Live smirks that she did during Weekend Update stories about Sarah Palin-she gave all she had to give.
Poirot is invited to a séance on Halloween by Fey because, despite being a hard as nails (did I mention she’s spunky?) New York woman with a jaunty fedora, she’s convinced that a psychic medium played by Michelle Yeoh can explain what happened the night the young woman committed suicide.
Again, another character that was so unnecessary. Yeoh was capable and interesting but her character did nothing to further the story. Exposed early on by Poirot as a fraud, she remained in the film being looked upon by Reilly’s character as an authority to be trusted to communicate with her dead daughter. Huh?
Yeoh meanders through her role doing her best to flesh out a very thin character. Despite opportunities to scream at the camera that I would guess was just two inches away from her face, combined with wildly spinning furniture during her failed and exposed séance she just wasn’t interesting. Or needed.

Except for a brief moment, to set up what pretended to be a plot twist, when Yeoh slipped a mask and cowl over Poirot’s head from behind. This was the biggest head scratcher. Poirot is famously fastidious. There is no way that character would ever wear a mask or cowl that had been on someone else’s head and face. Yet he didn’t flinch or even question what had happened.
The scene made no sense except until the very end, when it had to, because it needed it for Poirot to explain everything. This is what brought Murder by Death to mind.
Lastly, what Branagh keeps missing with his Poirot films is…Poirot. Watch David Suchet’s Poirot episodes. He is the reason to watch the show, not the fluff around him.
Poirot is one of literature’s most famous characters because he himself has been made interesting through quirks and ticks and unflinching constancy.
Overall, if you enjoy going out and eating theatre popcorn it’s not a huge waste of time. But, if you go to be entertained and enjoy a quality production, this isn’t the one for you.
Two out of five stars.
Still winds at the 2023 fall kite festival

While crowds begin to gather at the D River Wayside, semi depressed kites are waiting on the sandy ground like puppies waiting for the kids to come home. Heads bob and tails wag but without the requisite wind they sit and hope.

Lighter, more traditional, kites were airborne needing nothing more than a breath of wind to get aloft.

Alas, even some in the viewing gallery weren’t able to muster the energy to rise yet.

The table is set, the volunteers are cheerfully assisting people, the vendors are readying their booths and all are praying that the expected rain won’t be too heavy.

Welcome to the Lincoln City fall 2023 Kite Festival! The festival runs from 9a.m. until 3p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Visit Explore Lincoln City for more information.
Saying Hello (and Goodbye) to Halloween

Some families have skeletons in their closets that they would not want shared with the world.
Not so for Bob and Wanda.
For the last seven years this retired couple have shared their all of their skeletons; big or small. And all dressed with clothing handmade by Wanda.

“Halloween is my favorite holiday,” said Wanda. “We wanted to have something to share with the kids in the neighborhood.”
“We wanted something for kids. But not too scary,” Added Bob
Mission accomplished Bob.
Though skeletons can be scary, in the hands of someone who truly loves the holiday (and the little kid’s faces when they see the creations) they become fun and welcoming.

Whether playing ping pong or rocking on a seesaw each grouping of skeletons tell a unique story.

Which was the first piece created? “Well,” according to Wanda, it was “the ping pong table and the monkey bars.”

The May Pole is the newest and last creation for this display. “Six of our neighbors came over and helped weave the ribbons for me,” said Wanda.

When asked why they’ve set up their decorations so early Bob explained, “It’s our last year (decorating for Halloween). This year has taken us two weeks to set up.”
“We’re getting too old to do this alone. It’s hard work,” said Wanda.
With a display like this it would seem that they would be flooded with trick or treaters.
“We only got 50 kids last year. And we give away the big candy bars! The dollar ones!” chuckled Wanda. “Actually they’re a dollar forty-nine now!” confided Bob.
Though it seems that neighborhood house-to-house trick or treating has declined against the popularity of organized events, it’s people like Bob and Wanda that continue to demonstrate what it means to be a neighbor on Halloween: To meet face to face (or face to mask), share a smile and get to know each other just a little bit better.
And in a time where self-inflating displays dominate yard decorating it’s pretty special to know that two nice people built and assembled such a generous gift for everyone to enjoy this Halloween.
You may view the display for one last time at 1817 SE 19th St Lincoln City (And try to be quiet, the skeletons have played hard all day and need their rest).
Sign theft attempt at Blue Heron Landing

For the second time in less than 30 days suspects have been caught trying to steal iconic signs in Lincoln City.
First, in late August, was the attempted pilfering of painted caricatures from the exterior wall of the former Lil’ Sambos restaurant.
On Wednesday evening at approximately 8:30p.m. Lincoln City police were alerted to a possible theft of signage from the former Blue Heron Landing-now owned by the Devils Lake Water Improvement District (DLWID).

According to DLWID Lake Manager Boone Marker, a caretaker living on the property called police when he noticed a group of men removing a sign from a wall of the building and then trying to use a battery operated hacksaw to cut through a metal pipe holding the huge round Blue Heron sign.

Police arrived and confronted the group who tried to explain to the responding officer that they had ‘the owner’s permission” to take the signs.

According to the Lincoln City police log “A report was taken.” No arrests were made or citations issued for the event. Homepage is waiting for more details from the Lincoln City Police Department and we will pass that information along when it becomes available.
According to Marker, “It wasn’t until Thursday morning that we realized things were stolen and vandalized. It’s an ongoing investigation.”
Be sure to like, follow and subscribe to Lincoln City Homepage for updates as they occur.
Celebration of Honor returns to Chinook Winds

The annual Celebration of Honor returns to Chinook Winds Casino Resort (CWCR) September 13-16.
According to the CWCR, “For the past twenty years, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, owned and operated by the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, has spearheaded the Annual Celebration of Honor, a public event that honors active-duty personnel, military veterans, and their families. Chinook Winds Casino Resort is proud to continue the tradition of honoring our men and women who have served, and are serving, our country. Explore Lincoln City is doing a special float drop to help honor our veterans and active-duty men and women. The Veteran Services tent is back this year on Friday, September 15th from 10am to 4pm and Saturday, September 16th from 10am to 1pm.”

CWCR notice continues, “We are excited to bring back the veteran services tent this year on Friday, September 15th from 10am to 4pm and Saturday, September 16th from 10am to 1pm. Interested veteran service providers and organizations may join us at no cost. Please call 541-996-5815 for more information.
The celebration includes vintage and current day military vehicles, displayed and provided by the American Infantry Soldier Group, as well as military flags on display for public outdoor viewing. This year The Vietnam Veterans of America 805 Oregon Veteran wall will be on display as well.
Chinook Winds is sponsoring Veterans and Active-Duty movie tickets and popcorn at the Historic Bijou Theatre September 15-18. Just show your military ID for this additional thank you for your service.
Saturday, September 16th the Lincoln City Kiwanis Parade of Flags will line the streets of Lincoln City with flags to celebrate the weeklong dedication. At 2pm the Re-dedication of the Desert Storm memorial will take place in front of the casino to honor those men and women who lost their lives serving our country.”
Oscar Escalante, longtime Lincoln City police officer dies

On Thursday evening retired Lincoln City police officer Oscar Escalante passed away. A social media and GoFundMe post from Heather Marie Nerup states, “Oscar Escalante passed peacefully in the presence of God, on September 7th, with his loving wife and loving family by his side. He is now resting in heaven. Oscar had been in the ICU at OHSU with cardiac complications for the previous nine days. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this extremely difficult time.
According to Lincoln City Police, “Before receiving his call to be in law enforcement, Officer Escalante was employed by the saw mill in Toledo in the early 1980s. When the timber industry went on a downward spiral, he sought out a steady job and was hired by the Lincoln County Sheriff as a Corrections Officer in 1987. In 1989, he became a Patrol Deputy and continued in that position until being hired by LCPD in 1999.
Throughout his 28 years in law enforcement, Officer Escalante has received many awards and accolades, including the Top Shooter Award in his Basic Police Class #154, Life Saving awards from both North Lincoln Fire & Rescue and LCPD, DUII Enforcer of the Year from Lincoln County Sheriff, Law Enforcement Officer of the Year from the Lincoln City Community Days Committee, and Officer of the Year from LCPD two separate times.
But his proudest achievement by far was receiving the Senior Trooper Maria Mignano Dedication to Duty Award, which is a statewide recognition presented to a sworn law enforcement officer who exemplifies behavior, dedication, and professionalism in all aspects of impaired driving detection.
Since 2000, he has been the School Resource Officer (SRO) for our agency, along with being a Field Training Officer (FTO), and a certified instructor for DARE, Standard Field Sobriety Tests (SFST), Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE), the Intoxilyzer 8000, Drug Impaired Training Educational Professionals (DITEP), and Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training. With all of his teaching experience, it’s no wonder he is such an exceptional SRO!
Jason Love, co-owner of Lincoln City Homepage said, “I remember that whenever he came to school he drew a crowd of students eager to talk with him.”

Escalante was well known and loved in the community and was enjoying his well earned retirement.
Follow Lincoln City Homepage for further information including any memorial information.
Getting Prepared for Life

Saturday August 26 the local Cub Scouts of Pack 47 gathered at the St Clair Fire Station to enjoy a BBQ, have a little fun and share all the positives that Scouting has to offer.
According to Cub Master Alina and and Den Leader Keri, two moms that have dedicated (and donated) their time to lead the local Den and Pack, it’s “All about the kids, their futures, and the level of leadership they will bring to not just their own lives and families but their communities as well.”
Continuing, “This group here today are Cub Scouts. We range from kindergarten to fifth grade for both boys and girls; it’s a prequel to the Boy Scouts. Each Den should be about 6-8 kids. There are 5 dens within the Pack. We meet in Lincoln City but kids are from here, Gleneden Beach, Depoe Bay and surrounding areas.

It’s really a family program. We do hikes with whole families and friends. We meet in Lincoln City but kids are from here, Gleneden Beach, Depoe Bay and surrounding areas.
Typical time involvement for parents is a one hour den meeting once per week on Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. and sometimes we will have some weekend event like BBQs, hikes or camping once in awhile. And sometimes there’s Day Camps which would be over a weekend.”

Asked why would a kid want to join Cub Scouts, Alina replied, “Number one, it’s fun! There are no video games, but we do play games. We want to reinforce family outdoor oriented activities that get them away from a screen. We get outside and play games.
There’s a focus on team building and problem solving. Our motto is ‘Do your best.’ A lot of the Den adventures are catered to their learning ability at their age so it really gets them thinking about, ‘How do we work together to come to a solution?’
It’s teams with a purpose. They’re having fun but learning to work together. And they are learning leadership skills. It’s getting them prepared for life.
There are just so many good qualities that Scouts have that when I found a Pack here (in Lincoln City) I signed up myself and my son immediately.
I want him to grow up to think about others and to care about the community he lives in. I want him to learn to step forward and get involved, not to wait on someone else. To use initiative to help make everybody’s lives better and I feel that that is what Scouting is all about.”
When asked about having so many young kids together if there are there many disciplinary problems, Keri responded,
“We start every meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by our Scout Oath and our Scout laws. If we see a negative behavior from a child we are able to ask them, ‘Is this one of the Scout Laws?’ It really makes them stop and think. I think it gives them a guideline where they can ask themselves ‘Is this Scout-like behavior?’ I think it gives them perspective on how to self govern their actions.
It is one of our requirements that they memorize the Scout Oath and Scout laws. They know exactly what Scout-like behavior should be.”
Pack 47 meets every Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at New Life Foursquare Church, 2700 NE 22nd St, Lincoln City, OR 97367 .
Interested in enrolling your son or daughter in Scouting? Click on this link for more information or email [email protected]
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