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State parks park parking fees for one day.


oregon state parksSALEM, Oregon – Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will once again offer free day-use parking the day after Thanksgiving to encourage Oregonians to enjoy the outdoors.

On November 29 state parks will waive day-use parking fees in the 23 parks that are open and charge for parking. (Fall Creek and Nehalem Bay charge for parking but are closed.)

Parking is free year-round at almost all of Oregon’s approximately 250 state parks; the waiver applies to the parks that charge for parking. The current $5 daily fee is going up to $10 starting Jan. 2, 2025, but the prices for 12-month and 24-month permits are staying the same at $30 and $50, respectively. Learn more about the increasing fees on our website.

The parks that charge parking fees include Fort Stevens, Cape Lookout, Silver Falls, Champoeg, L.L. Stub Stewart, Smith Rock and Milo McIver. A complete list of the 25 parks that require day-use parking permits is available online.

The fee waiver applies from open to close on Nov. 29, except at Shore Acres State Park where it expires at 4 p.m. for the Holiday Lights event that runs Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve.

The day after Thanksgiving is one of three days a year that Oregon State Parks waives the day-use parking fees. Other days include First Day Hikes on New Year’s Day and Oregon State Parks Day the first Saturday in June, which also includes free camping. Independence day is never included.

It’s not a litter-it’s a cabal.

Five distract the guard behind the door while one makes a break.

In this continuing saga of watching over 6 Wheaten terrier puppies I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not raising a litter as much as I am feeding and housing a cabal. The Oxford dictionary defines “cabal” as,

  1. a secret political clique or faction.
    “a cabal of dissidents”
    And that’s just what they’ve become.  Right under my nose this group of fluffy balls of endless joy and mirth have organized themselves into a tightly knit group of anarchists and escape artists.  I haven’t completely deduced why they want to escape or where they hope to get to, but I’m sure that it is all for no good.
    Under the leadership of Asa, who was first born of the pack, they have been exploring my home/their “prison” for weaknesses in the perimeter and using advanced psyops techniques to probe my psychological blind spots.
    When they first came to be they seemed to epitomize the saying “Dog eat dog.”  They would have gladly let their siblings starve if it meant one more moment on mom’s milk bladder. After weaning, there was no thought of sharing at the kibble bowl.  Imagine all six puppies trying to cram their ravenous little heads into a 9 inch diameter bowl. But, lately, I have begun to notice that this motley group of individuals has slowly begun to meet together more and more often in what can only be described as a spirit of coordination and collusion.
    In particular (like most inmates I’m told) they gather at assigned meal times and no longer tried to force one another out of the food line.  There seemed to be a certain level of cooperation growing between them.  Even Sir Licks-a-Lot, the runt of the litter and the only male in this all female prison was invited to dine without the usual jostling or snarling.
    As I listened in to their conversations I was of course unable to understand what they were say for two reasons: 1. They were talking with their mouths full and 2. I don’t speak dog.
    So, like any semi-professional jailer, I relied on observation.  I have noticed changing behaviors around the “yard” during exercise time. Instead of moving in a mass like a preschool soccer team, they would send one member out to probe the slats on the front deck gate while distracting me with huge eyes and licking tongues.
    At first it was Asa. She broke from the pack to wander along the fence and without a moments hesitation or fear she silently made her way through the slats and out to the sidewalk along the fence line. Thankfully, the guards in the towers along the perimeter spotted her and she was quickly captured without a single shot being fired. Later, because of her dominance at the food bowl, she became too fat to squeeze between the slats and was no longer a security threat, though I do believe that she heads a squeaky toy smuggling operation that involves our grandchildren. An investigation is underway.
    Clearly the message to change tactics was sent down the ranks because at the next opportunity Sir Licks-a-Lot was chosen to approach the gate.  Because (as was mentioned earlier) he was the runt of the litter and as the only male I (unwisely) always gave him a little more latitude than the others.
    Security cameras caught the perp in the act

    Sadly, my benevolence was thrown straight back into my face by this little guy that I trusted. Again, as the pack overwhelmed me with cuteness one sunny afternoon on the front deck, this puppy, in a ninja-like fashion slithered under the gate and ran toward the street. He probably would have gotten away with it except that the pack underestimated what a chicken he was and the second he saw a crow land a few yards away he dashed back to and under the fence begging forgiveness and earning the ire of the litter. He later became an informant and has helped to slow further attempts at escape.

    And now, because of the escapes what was once a beautiful suburban front yard looks like a landfill fence after a windstorm. Every possible point of egress is covered with a mosaic of real estate signs, lawn chairs and plywood. Random people have begun stopping by to inquire if the house is for sale or we are having a garage sale.
    And while the escape attempts have slowed significantly there is a new effort underway inside the cell block to retaliate by destroying all of my wife’s throw pillows and and to eat through every available power cord that touches the floor.

BB Day Camp gets a boost

Otis, OR – On November 7, 2024, The BB Camp’s old Day Camp structure came down to pave the way for a new, state-of-the-art, Day Camp Center.

With the help of individual donors and a grant from the Oregon Department of Justice, the BB Day Camp Center will support year-round camp activities in three community rooms, surrounding a semi-enclosed courtyard for outdoor activities.

Located close to the northside playground, the pool, and beautiful Devils Lake, the BB Day Camp facility will serve a total of sixty campers at any one time. The new BB Day Camp Center is scheduled to open in late spring, ready to welcome campers in the summer of 2025.

In 2006, BB Camp’s Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Koplan, observed children spending time in the game room of a local casino. Realizing they were there due to a lack of alternative activities while their parents worked, she quickly took action. She reached out to explore the possibility of launching a summer day camp at BB Camp’s residential site to provide a supportive environment for these children. This initiative led to the establishment of BB Day Camp, a non-sectarian day camp designed to serve the community during the summer months.

Photo Explore Lincoln City

Since then, BB Camp has offered a safe and enriching day camp experience to more than 5,000 local children. Each weekday, day campers enjoy nutritious breakfast, lunch, and two snacks while participating alongside resident campers in a wide range of BB Camp’s activities. BB Day Camp has positively impacted an entire generation of local children and has significantly enhanced the reputation and presence of BB Camp within the Lincoln County community.

“What began as a humble effort to ensure our local children had a safe space to spend their
summers, has now expanded into a meaningful and important program for the community.
Building a designated Day Camp Center will help us to meet our mission and continue to make a significant impact in the community. I’m incredibly proud of what our program has become for so many,” shared Michelle Koplan, chief executive officer.

The new BB Day Camp Center is a dedicated space for Lincoln County youth who benefit from BB Camp’s day camp programs, not just in the summer but for expanded year­ round programs that promote personal growth and achievement. With three multi-purpose rooms and a courtyard for outdoor activities, the new Day Camp Center will provide opportunities for character development, building self-confidence, and providing opportunities to enhance social and life skills for children throughout Lincoln County.

Tigers Win!!!!!!


Tiger’s band getting the crowd hyped for an exciting state championship matchup (photo Aaron Williams)

In what seemed like an early blowout turned into a tense matchup of skill and determination between boys varsity football teams from Lincoln City’s own Taft Tigers and the Sisters High Outlaws.

Tigers take the field! (photo Aaron Williams)

As the Tigers took the field, bursting through a paper banner at midfield, the crowd of students, parents and local football fans roared their appreciation for the effort and dedication of the Taft Tiger varsity football team.  With a fight for a state title on the line the Tiger fans and players seemed ready to give their all for each other.

(photo Aaron Williams)

By the end of the first quarter Taft held a 14-0 lead.

(photo Aaron Williams)

The second quarter seemed to follow the first with a beautiful touchdown pass from Quarterback Ezra James to tight end Cole Tolan giving the Tigers a commanding  21-0 lead.

(photo Aaron Williams)

As was to be expected the crowd was jubilant sensing a blowout. But, the determined Outlaws weren’t ready to roll over and concede the battle and forced a tense quiet over the crowd as they quickly scored two touchdowns (minus extra point field goals) to bring the score to a manageable 21-12.

(photo Aaron Williams)

At the eleven minute mark of the 4th quarter Taft intercepted a pass and returned it for a touchdown making the score 27-12.

Sisters bravely continued to fight bringing the game to a draw at 27-27.  Trenton Battle of the mighty Tigers brought the final touchdown of the game giving Taft a 34-27 victory.

(photo Aaron Williams)

Special thanks to Aaron Williams of Zealous Training Lab for the photos and play by play updates.

Aaron Williams owner of Zealous Fitness Lab


Candidate for city council ward 3 Tammy Sanford


Tammy Sanford candidate for city council Ward 3

Lincoln City Homepage had a moment to talk with Ward Three City Council candidate Tammy Sanford about why she had chosen to get involved in local politics.

“I caught myself complaining about local government awhile ago and decide that I didn’t like the idea of being a complainer so I decided that running for city council would be a great way to get involved and see if I can help.”

Though thin on working political experience Tammy points out that she has always kept an eye on local and state politics as she worked the hospitality industry after graduating from Western Culinary Institute. “I’ve always privately followed politics but never made the leap to run for an elected office.”

What finally pushed her on to throw her name in the proverbial ring was a spur of the moment decision on Flag Day 2024.  “I took my flag for a walk on the beach,” she said.

To her surprise she was repeatedly approached by locals and visitors alike to question her about her walking companion and to ask for pictures with her and her flag. “I had two little kids approach me and ask what I was doing.  I explained that today was Flag Day and what that meant to me.  I asked them if they knew the Pledge of Allegiance and if they would like to say it with me.  They both excitedly said ‘yes’ so I sent them over to ask their dad if it was ok.  He said it was so the three of us stood on the beach in Nelscott and recited the Pledge.”

“After that as I started talking with folks in town. I noticed many were afraid to voice their opinions about local politics out loud. I was shocked.  I would reply to them by saying ‘There’s no need to be afraid! We have to be bold and get involved.”

So, with that, Tammy Sanford filed the appropriate paperwork and is now asking for your vote.

“I want to be your voice,” she would say.  “Help me help you.  It’s your community and together we can do this.”

3 plus 3 equals lots of Number 2

Don’t let their cuteness fool you.

Life as I have known it has come to a grinding halt.

With the arrival of 6 puppies into our family has come a monster that devours all free time (and work time). That monster is politely called #2. It consumes my days! If I’m not cleaning it from their bedding I’m cleaning it from the deck. If not from the deck, from their paws and fur because puppies have no sense of decorum or pride.
But what puppies do have is speed. Lots of speed. I’ve watched videos of young cowboys and cowgirls chasing greased piglets for fun at rodeos and county fairs but they have nothing on a batch of six feisty, poo stained 6 week old terriers. I honestly have no idea why their mother is so protective of them. No creature on earth can capture them (that is except for my five year old granddaughter who is as ruthless a hunter as a hawk snatching trout out of Devils Lake).
I’m fully aware that I am whining and I have only myself to blame for this situation (which my brilliant seven year old grandson calls a “Poop-suation”), but whine I must and whine I will. I wanted a litter of puppies but in the joy of the moment I forgot how old I am and that puppy rearing (as is raising children) is a young man’s game.
Unfortunately there isn’t a small enough poop scoop to grab the multiplying piles of mini-excrement and my wife won’t allow me to use the salad tongs. So that means I’m doing more bending over and kneeling down in tight quarters than Shaquille O’Neal in a submarine.
And just when I’ve had enough-when I’m figuring out how I can get away with handing out the puppies at Halloween; I hold one close and smell that one of a kind puppy breath smell and get a quick lick on my beard from a tiny, tiny tongue and I feel their fur so soft in my hands that all I can do is thank God for these moments.
So, after they have been wrangled and washed, back in the pen they go with clean soft bedding, a bowl of food and each other to tussle with until they pile atop each other in a mass that would make a rugby coach proud and they fall asleep.
It’s good to be alive.

A Sign Of The Times


Nothing lasts forever. But the iconic Ester Lee Motel in Lincoln City, Oregon comes pretty close. The motel received a new sign this week.

New Ester Lee sign
New Ester Lee Sign, 2020’s (J.Love)

That got me to thinking about how many Ester Lee signs have stood in its place of prominence along Highway 101 in Lincoln City. I can recall at least six, but can only find photos of five of them.

If you have photographs and/or memories of the Ester Lee signs through the years and wouldn’t mind sharing them please comment below.

Hydroplane time trials return to Devils Lake

photo from Facebook post without attribution

Inboard and Outboard Hydroplane Boats will return to Devils Lake in Lincoln City, Oregon, with hopes of setting new World Straightaway speed records. The record runs will begin at 8:00 a.m. and end at sunset on Saturday, October 12th and Sunday October 13th, 2024. East Devils Lake State Park boat ramp will be used as the staging area for set up and launch and will be closed for public use as well as the Regatta Grounds Boat Ramp.

The annual Devils Lake Kilo is sanctioned and insured by the American Power Boat Association, and is officiated and conducted by the Columbia Outboard Racing Association based in the Portland, Oregon area. The Oregon State Marine Board and local and county authorities for the safety of the racers and other boat users have issued a permit for a partial lake closure. Devils Lake will be closed from Sand Point to south of the East Devils Lake State Park launch ramp.

This event is a true test of entrants driving skill plus the integrity of the combined set-up of the boat, motor and propeller. Calm water conditions are a necessity, as each driver will be running quality equipment with sensitive set-ups to maximize optimum speed.

Time Trial rules call for a driver, competing against a time clock, to pilot his boat through a 5/8th of a mile surveyed straightaway course. Each entry will receive six runs, three in each direction. The test shall consist of two consecutive runs, one of which shall be made in one direction and one in the opposite direction. The overall speed is calculated by averaging the best two consecutive runs out of the six runs that each entrant is entitled to run. The driver may take all his runs at one time or may after taking one run decide to wait for better conditions for his or her remaining runs.

The annual Speed Boat Time Trials were renamed the “Rockey Stone Memorial Kilo’s” in 1995 in honor of the person instrumental in setting up and organizing the event for many years and the ¼ Mile in honor of Buzz Thorsen who took leadership after Rockey retired. The event has been held since its inception in the mid 1950’s, minus a few years during which Devils Lake underwent a massive weed cleanup. The event has placed Devils Lake and Lincoln City, Oregon in the American Powerboat Associations record book many times and has historically held the esteemed respect of having the “Worlds Fastest Water.”

You can also follow our official Facebook account and for meeting agendas, updates on district projects, events, and other matters.

Vote Red, don’t be misled

The election of Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance will bring back glory and greatness to our Nation
through their patriotic America First agenda. Some of the Trump/Vance policies are summarized below:
✓ Protect our border and increase Border Patrol agents to stop the dangerous illegal migrant
invasion; end human trafficking; demolish foreign drug cartels, and crush gang violence.
Promote legal immigration reform.
✓ Strengthen and modernize all branches of our military. Support Israel, financially and
politically and deport pro-Hamas radicals and seek peace in the Middle East. Negotiate an end
to the Russian-Ukraine war.
✓ Dramatically increase police funding to hire well-trained officers and restore respect for all
law enforcement, putting an end to chaos and lawlessness.
✓ Increase energy production to create more jobs for American workers to help combat
inflation and bring manufacturing back to the US, while cutting wasteful government spending
and limiting bureaucracy and overregulation.
✓ Provide tax cuts for all citizens; eliminate taxes on tips, overtime and social security, and
expand the Child Tax Credit, while protecting Medicare and Social Security benefits.
✓ Promote education reforms to increase student learning and graduation rates, and support
the rights of parents to intercede in the education of their children.
✓ Ban Chinese nationals from buying US land and industries and secure strategic independence
from China.
What kind of government do you want for the future of America? That’s what this election is all about. A
vote for Harris/Walz is a vote for the Globalist agenda: the exact opposite of “saving the soul of America”
promised by the powerful Trump/Vance ticket.
We are a Nation of, by and for “We the People” based on Truth, Justice and Freedom. If you love America
like I do, please join me in fighting for our Republic to protect our Constitutional rights by voting for the
Trump/Vance solutions.
Vote Red, don’t be Misled, on November 5, 2024! Thank you.
A. T. Ronan, Newport

Rule advisory committee to discuss proposed changes to E-assisted bike rules


oregon state parksSalem, Oregon—Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is creating a rule advisory committee to meet and discuss possible changes to electric-assisted bicycle use on state park properties and the ocean shore.

The current electric-assisted bike rules allow the devices to operate on state park trails that are over 8 feet in width and anywhere motor vehicles are allowed on the ocean shore. The proposed changes would update definitions for electric-assisted bicycles and determine new locations where they are allowed and restricted.

The committee will meet online 11 a.m. Thursday, October 17 and will hold three additional meetings through 2024 to review and discuss the proposed rule changes. The meeting dates will be announced after the first meeting. The meetings are open to the public and can be viewed at:

The meeting agenda will include discussions on the impacts the proposed rules would have on visitor safety, recreational uses and conflicts, operational best practices and accessibility. The committee will also discuss the potential economic and fiscal impact of proposed changes.

Committee members, appointed by OPRD, include individuals from around the state who enjoy electric assisted bicycles for recreation and others who enjoy other forms of recreation in state parks and the ocean shore. The committee also includes individuals from other agencies, natural resource specialists, law enforcement, transportation specialists, non-profit organizations, and business owners.

After the committee reviews the proposed changes and staff make updates based on feedback and recommendations, the proposed rule will be open for public comment in early 2025. More information about this rulemaking is available on the OPRD website:

Individuals who require special accommodations to view the meetings should contact Jo Niehaus, at least three days in advance of a meeting, at [email protected].