Thanks to a partnership with Oregon State Parks, Driftwood Public Library now offers day-use parking passes for Oregon State Parks. These passes can be checked out by Driftwood Public Library cardholders for two weeks, and allow for free parking at any Oregon State Park that charges a parking fee. Currently, there are four passes available to the public.
Oregon State Parks do not charge admission for use of the park, and the majority offer free parking. However, there are 25 State Parks that charge a parking fee, and many of these parks are situated on the Oregon Coast and in the Willamette Valley. Parks where a fee is required include Heceta Head State Scenic Viewpoint, Jessie M. Honeyman State Park, Cape Lookout State Park, Nehalem Bay State Park, Ecola State Park, Fort Stevens State Park, Willamette Mission State Park, and others. For a full list of parks where a pass is necessary, please visit
Individuals interested in checking out a pass will need a Driftwood Public Library card. Getting a card is a fast, simple process, and all Lincoln County residents are eligible to receive a library card. Simply visit the library at 801 SW Highway 101 on the second floor and fill out an application. You will also need photo ID and, if your Lincoln County address is not reflected on your ID, proof that you reside in Lincoln County. This can be as simple as a utility bill, rental agreement, property tax statement, or even first-class mail addressed to your local street address. Not sure if you qualify? Give us a call, and we’ll talk you through it!
The library is located on the second floor of the City Hall building at 801 SW Hwy 101 in Lincoln City, just across the street from Burger King and adjacent to McKay’s Market grocery store. The library is open from 10 AM-6 PM Monday- Saturday, and from 1-5 PM on Sundays. For further information about Oregon State Parks passes or other library services, contact the library at 541-996-2277 or at Visit Driftwood’s website at
Driftwood Library now offers day-use parking passes for Oregon State Parks.
My thoughts on this boring Olympics
I guess the title sums up my thoughts; boring!
I had high hopes for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Gay Paree, but like the rain that fell during the ceremony it was damp, annoying and kept me (and the participants) from enjoying the ride down the Seine. As the floating line of boats, scows and barges trudged athletes along the parade route, I felt something was missing.

There had always been a particular thrill for me to watch the countries athletic representatives parade into a stadium. Their country’s flags held proudly aloft by a chosen member. There was always a chance to chat about the uniforms that were worn and some interesting tidbits offered by the commentators about how the flag bearer was chosen or the significance of a particular color scheme or cut of the uniforms. But, alas, under the rainy skies of France everyone was under a cheap poncho or soaking wet. The cameras couldn’t even get clear shots of athletes-especially after the sun began to fade.

Then there were the intermittently staged musical or production acts along the way. To say they were stupid would be to give “stupid” a bad name. They were embarrassingly low grade Oscar performances. Some were unintelligible, either being in a foreign language (with no translation to English) or were muffled by the singer’s inability to project.
The Last Supper drag show was abysmally bad and in poor taste (but honestly I don’t expect much artistic merit from Europe these days). I wasn’t offended because I’ve worked with mentally disabled kids and adults and one can’t take offense at what either says or does.
And on top of it all was perhaps the most puzzling choice for two announcers ever conceived of: Kelly Clarkson and Payton Manning. While both people may be included in the best of their respective fields they clearly are not trained broadcasters. Clarkson’s sole contribution was her oft repeated teenage vocabulary outbursts of ” Wow!” Manning’s contribution was his prolonged silence. Seriously, what was the man supposed to contribute to the narration of a parade? “Yes Kelly, when I played football we had to play in the rain too.”(not an actual quote). Yes Kelly, in America we call football “soccer.” (Again, not an actual quote-but funnier than anything he said).
This leads me to another gripe about this Olympics. Not enough trained broadcasters. Granted, there were so many events this time around that it’s inconceivable that NBC could find enough talented announcers to cover it all. So, they went with jocks. Not the strappy- supporter type things but athletes that had competed at some level in the sport being covered. Honestly I would have rather have had Bill Murray’s Carl the greenskeeper do the play by play (I can hear it now): “The crafty Russian looking for her first gold medal. It’s a Cinderella story Bill. Sure to bring a tear to everyone’s eyes.”
What we got was; “The bikes go fast. They need to figure out how to win. They train hard.” All in a monotone that drove me to madness.

I remember years ago when Howard Cosell was a sports broadcaster for ABC. He had called many boxing matches and then, after Monday Night Football was invented, he was chosen to be part of the announcing team. If one were to listen to the critics of him then, Cosell was the worst thing to happen to football since revenue sharing. But the man could turn a phrase. He could capture a moment verbally. But, because he was so disliked by sports “purists,” the movement to hire only jocks to call plays and provide “color commentary began. And so, we were treated to the oratory brilliance of Dan Fouts, OJ Simpson, Fran Tarkenton and Dan Dierdorf. Ugh!

Broadcasting, telling a story while a story unfolds, is an art. Listen to someone like Vin Scully or Al Michaels call a baseball game. They had compelling voices and a way to speak with the rhythm of the game. Only one jock, John Madden, could equal them for keeping my interest.
But I digress. Another thing that I found boring about the Olympics this year (and forevermore I fear) is the perfection of the Athletes. I can’t think of one surprise this year. There were no “Cinderella” stories, no come from nowhere kid tale to inspire and amaze. Just professional athletes that perform their craft 24/7 365. When win and lose is separated by 1/100th of a second and the favorite wins 99 percent of the time, that’s not competition. That’s a corporation. It’s Nike vs Adidas.
And when nearly every winner from every country has either trained in America or attended an American college where they had a sporting scholarship or their coaching staffs are made up of Americans, well, that ain’t the Olympics I grew up with.
Where are the classic rivalries? Where is the national pride? Because athletes could pretty much make up any reason to represent any country they felt like, I didn’t have much emotional interest invested in them. It reminds me of product labels that read “Assembled in China from American parts.” Watching the winners and the losers hug and console and praise one another I can’t help but think of a line from the movie Patton where Patton says “Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. Now, I wouldn’t give a hoot in hell for a man who lost and laughed. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war.”
So what is different? Corporate sponsorships. Professional athletes. When every athlete is owned by a couple of shoe companies and they all compete against each other all year long at the same events for many, many, many years, they all become friends and known quantities and don’t dare rock the money boat that so handsomely pays them.

My wife and I watched a show called “The Almost Impossible Game Show” during a break from the 2024 Corporate Games. The premise is simple: give random tasks to random people and see who can complete them. A sample of the tasks are; “Groin Croissant” an event where contestants dress in a body suit, plastic croissants are attached to them via hook and loop patches and they have a set amount of time to shake the fake bread off of their bodies. Another event is “Word Lick” where a word is spelled on a pane of glass with vinyl letters. The blindfolded contestants must then use only their tongues to decipher what the word is. High sports? Not really. Entertaining? Hell yes. It’s funny and the people are earnest and seem to want to do their best. The announcer is gut busting funny and I’d rather watch that than the Olympics any day.
I also wouldn’t have to be reminded every five minutes that some guy named Snoopy Dog was on site along with random celebrities I neither know or care about. I remember Olympics where athletes were celebrated. Back stories were shared, equipment advances were heralded and the amateur athlete that struggled to become the best also had to hold a job to pay for their dreams was celebrated.
I know I sound like an old fart-and I am one-but that doesn’t discount a memory of when things were done better. Better because they were earned, not manufactured. Better because they were rumpled and unpolished, not pressed from a machine.

One bright spot-so as not to end on a downer- was women’s hammer throw. These gals are big and look like they carried around filled beer kegs on their shoulders for a living. These beautiful ladies would swing the hammer, spin and spin and let that sucker fly. Then the camera would come back to their faces and they would be giggling like a young schoolgirl. It was delightful to watch.
Well, I’ve vented and I feel better. Carry on.
Homepage Community Facebook page passes 30k members

“It’s been an honor moderating this page.” said Don Williams, publisher of The Lincoln City Homepage and admin of The Lincoln City Homepage Facebook Community.
All of us at Homepage are proud to announce that we have passed the 30k mark for membership on our Facebook page.
“It’s meant a lot of hours weeding out spam and bots and those folks that just can’t seem to get along with others,” continued Williams. “I read every single post and try to read every comment to make sure that our readers feel valued on our site.”
We humbly wish to thank our readers and participants in The Lincoln City Homepage Community. Your stories, shares, questions and always helpful answers have driven this page to be one of the best on Facebook and a trusted site for inside information on events and happenings (and cute animal photos) in our hometown.
Thank you all so very much.”
US Senator Merkley holds town hall in Newport

Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) came to Newport to hold a town hall event. After a brief meeting with two members of the press (your author included) he spent about 20 minutes with local elected officials before entering a lecture hall in the Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building.

Approximately 75-100 people showed up to hear the senator talk a range of issues.
In our media time , I asked him what types of questions he has been fielding on his various stops. He replied, “There’s a lot of concern about housing, drug prices, there’s concern about forest management; concern about mental health-behavioral health.”
I asked him in what context did the questions about mental and behavioral health arise (criminal or police interactions), he replied, “It comes up in multiple ways: it comes up the challenge our kids have had-accentuated by covid, dissociation of being in groups and the alienation that is coming from a combination of social media and covid. It’s coming up in terms of the criminal lockup of folks with behavioral health problems-whether they really belong in jail as their only treatment.” He continued, “The insufficiency of treatment we have here in Oregon. We’re near the bottom of the fifty states in terms of treatment capacity and connection to people on the street-homelessness.”
When I asked him what his answer was to the problems he named, and asked what the federal response might be he said, “We have to train a lot more behavioral health care individuals. I have a bill that would put a lot more school counselors into-in particular Title One schools (Title I schools receive additional funding from the U.S. Department of Labor to support students from low income families or other at risk factors)-because we have such an insufficiency of folks to work with our children. The training of more individuals is something that’s a number of the community investment programs I’m getting started.”
I asked the senator where exactly he thought those individuals might come from seeing as how we can’t get enough nurses or doctors into Lincoln County. He replied, “That gets to my point about training…” I interrupted to ask, “Training who? Where are these people going to come from?” His response was that between government grants and private support from various charitable foundations and dedication of our colleges to expanding their programs and encouragement of high school students to consider entering the mental health field.

On a different note, the senator was not only welcomed to Newport by supporters and elected types he also passed by a group of people who greeted him near the intersection of Olive and Hwy 101. Some were waving American flags, some waving Trump flags and some holding placards with messages to the senator-or showing their support for Rick Beasley for county commissioner signs.
Beverly Beach campground to reopen August 1
“We’re excited to have visitors back in the park. It’s one of the best parts of this job, and we have missed it,” said Park Manager Burke Martin.
According to a news release from the Oregon State Parks, “The bathrooms have been cleaned, and campsites are ready to go. And the majority of the park’s construction work is complete.

Crews moved overhead power lines underground for safety and to maintain electricity during high winds at the coast. The park also replaced its aging waterlines.
The work required digging into the asphalt road that winds through the park and repaving. It’s part of the $50 million GO Bond investment from the Oregon State Legislature for Oregon State Park projects around the state.
But the most noticeable change is the increase in sunshine streaming through the tree canopy. In a separate project, Oregon State Parks removed about 200 hazard trees for public safety.
Hazard trees have an increased risk of dropping limbs or toppling, which can lead to injuries or property damage. While the removal was necessary, it did impact the look of the park. Some campsites will have less shade and visual screening than before.”
“We appreciate everyone’s patience during the construction and reopening. We understand that the park looks a little different, but the hazard tree removal makes it’s safer for visitors to enjoy,” Martin said.
For camping reservations at Beverly Beach, go to their website or call (800) 452-5687.
Firefighters rush to smoke call at local business

North Lincoln Fire and Rescue (NLFR) responded quickly to a call from Pacific Waves marijuana dispensary this morning.

As the firefighters bravely rushed in-some forgoing breathing apparatus-to render aid, employees lingered outside waiting for the all clear sign.
Homepage spoke with Becky, an employee at the pot shop about the incident. She said she noticed some type of smoke or arising from a drain. After a call to 911 she learned that the City of Lincoln City was conducting a sewer vapor test in the area.
To test for leaks and other plumbing issues, a thick white vapor is injected into the drainage pipes or sewer lines. Once the pipes are filled with the vapor, these will start coming out of problem areas.The staff seemed to be acquainted with the concept of thick white vapors and remained calm throughout the ordeal.
The normally stoic firefighters seemed very pleased with operation as was evidenced by their happy smiles as they set up large fans to introduce fresh air into the building.
No damage was reported and no harm came to responders or employees.
Cross-Country Drive on Medal of Honor Highway

The Disabled Veteran Empowerment Network (DVEN) announced its Rally4Vets program that will conduct a cross-country drive on the newly designated National Medal of Honor Highway to raise awareness about veteran suicide and suicide prevention.
This drive supports the American Legion’s “Be the One” campaign, which, according to spokesperson Tiffany Vaughn aims to save the lives of veterans by encouraging communities to take action.
The team leader is Robert Hess, the founder of Rally4vets. Colonel (Lieutenant Colonel, Retired) Hess, is a 90% disabled Vietnam combat veteran, and included in his many awards is the Distinguished Flying Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster which he earned during his tours of duty in Vietnam.
He will make the drive in a specially-equipped C6 Corvette featuring the DVEN suicide awareness logo. Veterans and supporters are encouraged to join the Rally4Vets team at various points along the route. The journey’s progress will be tracked in real-time online via the DVEN blog and social media feeds (@Rally4Vets on Instagram and Facebook).
The cross-country drive on the National Medal of Honor Highway (U.S. Highway 20), the longest continuous highway in the United States, stretching over 3,000 miles from Newport, Oregon, to Boston, Massachusetts, aims to raise awareness about the high rates of suicide and PTSD among veterans and to highlight available resources for prevention and support.
According to the Vietnam Veterans of Americas’ website, “The Medal of Honor is the nation’s highest military medal for valor and bravery, historically honoring the “bravest of the brave.” Since the Civil War, 3,511 servicemen and one woman have received the honor, and 64 are still living today. Of those 64 surviving Medal of Honor recipients, 44 are Vietnam veterans. Nationwide recognition of their service and honoring of their sacrifice is of the utmost importance to VVA and to all Vietnam veterans. The surviving Vietnam MOH recipients, making up a whopping 69% of the total surviving recipients, represent an entire generation of Vietnam servicemembers who didn’t receive the welcome home and the recognition they deserved.”
The drive begins August 2nd at American Legion Post 291 in Newport Harbor, California and concludes August 23rd at the National Museum of the United States Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Stops along the route include Newport, OR on August 4
According to Vaughn, “An average of 22 veterans die by suicide each day, with many more suffering from PTSD. The 2024 Rally4Vets Be The One Tour aims to unite communities in support of veterans and raise awareness about the critical resources available to them. This drive is a call to action for all Americans to support veteran mental health initiatives and prevent veteran suicides.”
A view to a lake
My desk, from which I write this piece, is on the second floor of a home on the shore of Devils Lake that I share with my wife, 2 dogs and 6 chickens. We recently remodeled a bit and I was granted access to a room that heretofore had been held exclusively for our granddaughter. But, since her dad has bought a place in town to live in, she stays there and comes here for day visits.
So, the room is now my office. After we moved a bed out and a desk with a chair in I sat down and looked out to the lake. Through the windows of this room it looked different. Same lake, same vista, same sky, but from this vantage point it has taken on an almost spiritual dimension. It’s kind of funny how just a little change of viewing angle can change an entire focus.
And, oddly enough, It made me think of Disneyland.
My first trip to the Magic Kingdom was as an adult along with my wife and two young boys. Two things struck me about Disneyland-first, the cleanliness and second, how visitor’s views throughout the park are controlled. I first noticed this ocular manipulation while on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Seated in a car we entered the attraction, our vision forced by the confines of the car to look straight ahead. As the ride continued, different scenes would appear directly in front giving us a few seconds to take in the visual information and then abruptly turn the car to face another scene and so on and so on until the end of the ride. The entire park is designed that way-keeping the guest’s eyes on whatever they want you to focus on (and usually with good cause and perfect planning).
So why the flashback to Disneyland? Because ever since we bought the house, obviously, I’ve seen the lake. I’ve seen it from the front deck, the living room and the driveway. I’ve seen it from atop the roof, and from the backyard and the kitchen and, yes, from this very room I am discussing. Yet, sitting at my desk and looking out, the scene before me interrupted by nothing but two windows, the lake looks different.
It’s like Mr. Disney designed this room and the view from it to make me take in just this little slice and won’t let me focus on anything else. It’s hard to turn away from it.
Then, dear readers, what is it that I see now from this new vantage point that I didn’t see before? Well, it depends if the window is open or not. If the window is open, despite seeing a beautiful expanse of sky colored water, black, brown and green hills and flourishing flora I don’t seem to see as much as I hear. And my eyes are drawn to the sounds. The symphony of birds is inexhaustible and demand my attention; geese honk, doves coo, robins sing, crows squawk. As the geese land on the water the sound of their beating wings is unmistakable. The doves land silently in trees or on the ground but take off in flight explosively. I have a nest of swallows just below the porch roof that extends below my office window. They flit and dive past continually and I can hear a light “swoosh” sound as they rocket past and change course five times in ten feet.
I hear people talking at the public dock. I can rarely make out what is being said. Most times it’s people fishing and the conversations are quiet until a fish is hooked. It’s easy to tell when someone has caught their first ever fish. Several times throughout the day the dock will host kids jumping into and swimming in the lake. Their laughs, like the laughter from a school playground makes it difficult to not smile from the memories it invokes.
On a windy day I hear the American flag that is attached to a tall pole in the front yard flutter and flap. The rope that is attached to the flag and pole bangs against the aluminum with a “thwack, thwack” sound.
This is the soundtrack to the cinema that unfolds before me.
Yesterday I watched two otter swim out from their cover of water lillys. I knew they were there because they made a soft splashing sound as they entered the water. As I looked in the direction of the sound I could see the expanding ripples and gentle wake they left behind as they moved so smoothly and rolled effortlessly in the water. Then they dipped below the surface and were gone.
This new vantage point gives me a clear sightline to the aquatic plants off shore so I can watch the mama mallards lead their babies on their first journeys out of their nests (I have to say it’s sad to count the number of ducklings that disappeared over the following days).
I’ve been blessed to watch six couples of geese bear a brood and raise them in our front yard. One male goose arrived on our lawn last year-alone and with a broken leg. I felt for sure he was doomed to either loneliness or death. But, like any good third act in a film, his leg healed enough for him to hobble about, a young lady goose took a liking to him and they produced 4 healthy goslings.

My views of mornings on the lake are particularly captivating. On any given day, when, atmospherically, things are just right, a line of misty fog will gather and spread across the hills on the opposite side of the water. The line of white it creates cuts quietly through the dense green of the trees and gently spills out over the water where it collides with its warmth and begins to slowly rise and drift along the bank. The water is reflectively still so I can see the fog, the clouds and the trees all at once and all I can do is stare. The frame of the windows, like a quality frame on a picture, enhances and directs the eye to what is important.
And like the end of a ride, there is silence. No birds calling, no breeze rustling branches. No people talking about their day. Just silence as the fog like a night of thick falling snow dampens every sound around and I’m forced, visually, to simply take in what is before my eyes and slowly breath it in and out.
C.S. Lewis in his book The Weight of Glory wrote;
“We do not want merely to see beauty, though, God knows, even that is bounty enough. We want something else which can hardly be put into words-to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it.”
I think that is what I’ve been trying to convey about this new view I have. Every time I look out through these two glass panes I see something that I want to “pass into, to receive bathe in it (and) become part of it.” But I guess that’s what makes things beautiful isn’t it? The emotions that confirm that something otherworldly is happening before my eyes begging me to grab hold of it. But, like sunshine or fog, I can’t grab it. I can only stand back and exult in its presence.
Have a beautiful day.
Devils Lake Water Quality Report July 23, 2024

According to the latest water quality report for July 23, 2024 from the Devils Lake Water Improvement District (DLWID), all areas tested are “green” meaning low risk with water temps between 70-74 degrees. Results are posted at
According to a news release from DLWID, “At this time, there seems to be an abundance of algae in the water. If you see blue-green (turquoise) algae, please report to For a list of all active cyanotoxin advisories visit the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) website.“
You can also follow DLWID’s official Facebook account and for meeting agendas, updates on district projects, events, and other matters.
OSU’s Jade Seeks Gold in Paris

Legacy: To have your name on the minds and lips of folks for generations to come. Many people want to create a legacy – few people are able to actually achieve it. One way to accomplish it is to have something timeless named after you. Teddy Roosevelt and the Teddy bear, Rubik and his famous cube, even Sir John Harrington with his early model of the flushing toilet. At this year’s Olympics, most observers will be introduced to a legacy with a local connection.

Jade Carey is a 24 year-old gymnast who will be a senior at Oregon State University this fall. Before she returns to the Corvallis campus in September, she will be representing the United States as a member of an experienced U.S. Womens Gymnastics team. Simone Biles, her much more well-known teammate, is entering her third Olympics. Carey and two others, Jordan Chiles, Suni Lee, will be headed to their second summer games. Hezly Rivera is the lone Olympic newcomer on the team.
Carey has been carving out her own reputation for the past few years. She won a bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics and is looking to add more medals this summer. Prior to her Olympic experience, Carey had much success at the Junior Olympic level.
In a national competition in 2016 she completed a vault maneuver and was subsequently honored by having the move named after her when scoring all future junior tournaments. Offically named ‘The Carey’, this legacy building maneuver is an intense double flip with a twist off the vault.

Look for it this summer but she is more focused on doing whatever it takes to bring home more medals for the United States. Noted Carey, “Winning team gold would mean a lot to us girls who do make the team.”
Carey, a Phoenix native, enrolled at OSU in the fall after the Tokyo games. She felt very welcomed by the team and the whole campus there. “From the minute I stepped on campus and met the gymnastics coaches, I felt connected and cared for,” Carey said in an interview with OSU’s Athletic Communications (
Carey revealed in a recent interview with Elle that after several years of success in the gym, her return to the prestigious tournament in Paris follows “probably my worst year in elite gymnastics ever” (, referring to her relatively poor performance at the National Championships’ all-around event in 2023, where she ranked 15th place.
Carey has worked hard to build her legacy and she is not finished yet. With over 350,000 followers on Instagram, Carey looks to increase her loyal following in Oregon and throughout the USA.
Her Name Image Likeness (NIL) opportunities are by far the most lucrative of any Oregon State athlete. Signing with Amazon Fashion, Reebok and OZONE Leotards have only helped her brand (
Carey isn’t sure what her plans are for after completing her Bachelor’s degree in Digital Communications Arts from OSU, but she knows that first she has some unfinished Olympic business.
Look for her to compete in the individual and team gymnastics events together with her fellow experienced Team USA members: Biles, Jordan Chiles, Suni Lee, and Olympic newcomer Hezly Rivera. beginning on Sunday, July 28.

Carey will be the unmistakable 5’2”, pony-tailed blonde young women completing incredible gymnastic feats with elite skill and grace.
Self-described Carey groupie, Traci Wheeler, from Beaverton, has traveled the country over the past few years, rarely missing an event in which Carey is participating.

Wheeler says, “She (Carey) did all of Beaver Nation so proud at the U.S. Olympic Trials. She is strong, consistent, talented and one bad-a**. Now she’s going to Paris!”
Join Wheeler and so many others, including myself, in supporting Jade as she strives to add to her legacy and the legacy of US Women’s Gymnastics in Paris beginning on Sunday. Go Team OSU! Go Team Jade! GO TEAM USA!