Under a welcomed overcast sky thousands of locals and visitors descended upon the shores of Siletz Bay for the 2024 Sandcastle Contest.
Armed with buckets, pails, shovels and a vision participants were given a theme to direct their skills and a plot of beach to bring them to fruition.
The following businesses sponsored the theme categories:
Mo’s – Best Clam Creation
Kenny’s IGA – Themed Pirate Ship
Prehistoric – Dinosaur
Ace Hardware – Best Fantasy Animal
Looking Glass Inn – Octopus
All Ways Traveling – Cruise Ship
Only sand, water, shells and other natural beach materials found on the beach that day were allowed to be used for construction. Forms could be used in the construction process but should not support the final structure. Hand tools were allowed, but not power tools. The organizer like to remind everyone that this is an amateur competition offering a chance for family fun.

One family has made this event the centerpiece of their vacations for the last ten years.

Once again the incomparable one man band Bret Lucich (accompanied by the always suave Roger Robertson) served as musical director and Emcee of the event. Bret played the tunes and sang original takes on popular songs (always being sure to throw a plug in for Lincoln City) while Roger and his ever familiar voice made everyone feel welcome.

It was so great to be a part of this wonderful event for so many years, we have one of the greatest communities I’ve ever been a part of and I’m proud to be a part of Lincoln County. It’s great giving back backpack for kids just from our stage we raised over $1000 today And counting thank you everyone and thank you Don W!
Bret Lucich