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Lincoln City
Monday, March 31, 2025

Taft’s Coulter, Danneker named first-team all-league softball players

Taft High’s indomitable pitching and plate presence of junior teammates Emma Coulter and Hailee Danneker has again been rewarded for its formidable talent with both players being chosen first-team all-league for the second straight season.

Hailee Danneker
Emma Coulter

Coulter, a hard-hitting, fireballing right-handed pitcher, and Danneker, a slugging leadoff-batting defensive-minded catcher, comprised one of the most effective batteries in small-school Oregon softball for the second straight year after both players were named to the West Valley League first team last season.

Danneker was first-team and Coulter second-team all-state players as 15-year-old sophomores last year. The 2019 Class 3A all-Oregon team is expected to be announced next week.

Meanwhile, underclassman Claira Tolan was a second-team all-league pick for the second straight year despite moving from infield to outfield for the first time. Fellow sophomore Kayla Lininger and freshman Chloe Peterson also were named to Special District 1’s second team. Freshman Addie Gates was honorable mention.

Coach Sandy Stuart’s Tigers went 18-9 and placed third in SD1 play at 7-5 this season and advanced to the quarterfinals of the Class 3A OSAA State Softball Championships for the second straight year.

Emma Coulter and Hailee Danneker
Jim Fossum
Jim Fossumhttp://SilverandBlackToday.com
Homepage Executive Editor and former longtime Sports Editor of the near-200,000 circulation Las Vegas Review-Journal, Fossum brings 40 years of award-winning experience covering virtually every facet of print and digital journalism to Lincoln City Homepage. The former longtime reporter for the Newport News-Times and Lincoln City News Guard is also Editor-in-Chief and Senior Columnist for SilverandBlackToday.com, which covers the NFL's Oakland (Las Vegas) Raiders.


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