As many of our readers on Lincoln City Homepage’s Community page on Facebook have seen, there have been sightings of sea lions on our beaches.
While hugely fascinating to see and tempting to approach, be reminded that these animals are both wild and possibly sick with a disease that can be fatal to dogs.
If you have concerns about a stranded or sick sea lion click here for more information from the Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network.
We saw a couple sea lions on beaches last week and people and their dogs won’t stay away from them.
I saw this comment somewhere else online and put the number in my phone.
Sick or injured seals, sea lions, whales or dolphins can be reported to the Oregon State Police (OSP) TIP line at 1-800-452-7888.
Yes tourists just won’t stay away or leave them alone seen a young couple few days ago trying to get selfies of them standing buy one but the sea lion kept moving away lucky for them.