Lincoln City Homepage had a moment to talk with Ward Three City Council candidate Tammy Sanford about why she had chosen to get involved in local politics.
“I caught myself complaining about local government awhile ago and decide that I didn’t like the idea of being a complainer so I decided that running for city council would be a great way to get involved and see if I can help.”
Though thin on working political experience Tammy points out that she has always kept an eye on local and state politics as she worked the hospitality industry after graduating from Western Culinary Institute. “I’ve always privately followed politics but never made the leap to run for an elected office.”
What finally pushed her on to throw her name in the proverbial ring was a spur of the moment decision on Flag Day 2024. “I took my flag for a walk on the beach,” she said.
To her surprise she was repeatedly approached by locals and visitors alike to question her about her walking companion and to ask for pictures with her and her flag. “I had two little kids approach me and ask what I was doing. I explained that today was Flag Day and what that meant to me. I asked them if they knew the Pledge of Allegiance and if they would like to say it with me. They both excitedly said ‘yes’ so I sent them over to ask their dad if it was ok. He said it was so the three of us stood on the beach in Nelscott and recited the Pledge.”
“After that as I started talking with folks in town. I noticed many were afraid to voice their opinions about local politics out loud. I was shocked. I would reply to them by saying ‘There’s no need to be afraid! We have to be bold and get involved.”
So, with that, Tammy Sanford filed the appropriate paperwork and is now asking for your vote.
“I want to be your voice,” she would say. “Help me help you. It’s your community and together we can do this.”
Thank-you Tammy, you Have my vote things need to change, and it can all start with one person.
Excellent to see someone running that isnt part of “the establishment” we need real change. You have my vote! Thank you!
Excellent review and comments Tammy! So glad to get to know you as a fellow candidate though I. In Depoe Bay! Thanks to Hillyop Patriots for encouragement and flag Waving and help w signs!!
A Vote for Tammy will get a local citizen’s voice on the Council. This is someone who will listen to us!
Unlike her opponent, Tammy doesn’t have a lucrative campaign budget and has not peppered our beautiful neighborhood with campaign signs. She’s running a grass roots campaign based on her passion for our neighborhoods and our community, not for a biased agenda to gain power. We need neighbors like Tammy who care about us and our beloved city.