Thursday, January 30, 2025


An idea falls by the wayside

The City of Lincoln City is asking for an increase in the Transient Room Tax to help fund the construction of a “state of the art visitor’s center” at the wayside.  I do not support the construction of such a facility.

Honor our elders and celebrate joyful moments

Now that the closures of the pandemic have waned many are returning to regular schedules and making up for missed travel. I would like to remind everyone that it's easy to forget that our elders took the brunt of illness during the pandemic.

Barber bucks Covid lockdown

Add to the pantheon of great American dissidents a working mother of five from Toledo, Ore., who reopened her hair salon against pandemic lockdown orders with a defiant question for Governor Kate Brown.


It turns out the plan to cure Covid-19 in Lincoln County is to herd cats.

I am essential

I’m not afraid of Lincoln Co. Sheriff Curtis Landers, who warned this week that his deputies are on the prowl for “groups” of people flouting Governor Kate Brown’s lockdown order.

Hall wags finger but mangles the message

Lincoln Co. Commissioner Claire Hall continues her Quixotic quest to channel the late Republican governor Tom McCall in a cynical warning to second-home owners in “Scram!” 

Who looks after Lincoln City’s “unvetted” homeless population?

Although I genuinely support any well-intentioned attempt the city takes in acknowledging its responsibility to provide shelter of any kind for its homeless population, I can't help but note the huge difference between the support that the city recently gave to the Helping Hands

Another Urban Renewal project

Since the beginning of urban renewal in 1988, the City has received over $49 million dollars of your tax money. The agency has spent millions on purchasing buildings and vacant lots which are now off the tax rolls and none of which gives return to the taxpayers.

Oregon Cultural Trust

Do you value public radio, music, libraries, museums and monuments? If so, please take advantage of Oregon's most generous offer to support them. 

Oregon: Choose wildlife over waste

I grew up visiting polluted Southern California beaches and can't remember a single day trip searching for shells in which we weren't able to find weathered remnants of foam cups.

Beach Equipment Rental


Fitness and training


Real Estate Sales


Meeting Space
