Cascade Head Biosphere Collaborative and Oregon Department of Forestry have requested assistance to notify Lincoln County residents that there will be a controlled burn at Cascade Head from April 15 – 17, 2024. Controlled burning of slash piles on Cascade Head will be conducted to manage open grassland habitat by reducing woody material that was growing in meadow. The Nature Conservancy’s Cascade Head trail will be closed Monday-Wednesday (April 15-17) for the safety of hikers and firefighters.
Cascade Head is located north of Lincoln City. This controlled burn will be visible from Lincoln City and along Hwy 101.
Oregon Department of Forestry has an interactive website where the public can see where controlled burns are taking place across the state. You can learn more about prescribed burns and the Oregon Department of Forestry daily burn plans by visiting their website at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/burn.aspx
Lincoln County Emergency Management