At the Lincoln County Commission meeting Wednesday September 18, Commissioner and Board Chair Casey Miller called into question if and why Commissioner Hall and Commissioner Jacobson had held a “serial” meeting along with county attorney Kristin Yuille.
It is alleged that the two commissioners met with County Attorney Kristin Yuille to discuss a matter that was before the commission and was being discussed between a stakeholders group consisting of citizen activists, County Sheriff Curtis Landers, District Attorney Jenna Wallace and Circuit Court Judge Sheryl Bachart et al. And that they not only had a serial meeting but they came to a conclusion without including Commissioner Miller or holding a public meeting.
The matter at hand is a directive from the state legislature (HB4002) that was in response to the legislature overturning the voter initiative Measure 110 that all but legalized drug use in Oregon. Everyone with half a brain knew what would happen and sure enough it did. Crime ran rampant, drug use soared and neighborhoods were destroyed. The initiative was sold to voters who bought the lie that drug addicts would voluntarily seek treatment.
Well, it never happened. No one caught paid the $100 fine and hardly any addicts took advantage of treatment. They did what addicts do-they continued using.
The legislature tasked counties to form coalitions to best decide what to do with “Deflection” funds that were allocated to them. The deadline for submission of their plan is September 20, 2024. The amount in question is just over $381,000.
What Is “Deflection?”
“Deflection serves as a community-centered practice by which law enforcement or other first responders make…handoffs to community-based treatment and/or other services for people who have substance use or mental health disorders. Deflection presents an alternative to arresting people who might otherwise either enter the justice system or receive no assistance to address their needs.” — definition courtesy of the Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network.
Oregon’s HB 4002, signed April 1, encourages law enforcement to engage in deflection, in coordination with a new system of local deflection programs. A $20MM grant program was established within the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to support the establishment of new deflection programs.
The stakeholder group that has been meeting for months to figure out a plan to help our community deal with the addicted class has formulated a plan-and this seems to be a problem for Hall and Jacobson. Why? Why would they try to derail a plan that has the full support of the community, the sheriff, a circuit court judge and the district attorney?
Apparently those two still have a latent beef with the DA’s office that would take too long to explain here. Hall and Jacobson want the program administrator to be part of the probation department under County Corrections – and no one knows why because they haven’t discussed the matter in public or with any member of the stakeholder’s group.

Judge Bachart, fresh out of surgery on her leg and needing a knee scooter to get around said she was forced to sign up to speak during public discussion time as this was her only chance to address the two sneaking commissioners. “(Speaking in particular to Hall and Jacobson), I’m here today because this is the only forum I have to speak with you. I have sent you (Hall and Jacobson) emails. I have tried to reach out to Administrator Johnson. I have heard absolutely no response. From the presiding Judge of Lincoln County I have tried to reach out to you (Hall and Jacobson) because I want to discuss the Deflection Program and the work that we’ve done on it. I’ve been completely ignored-not even a ‘thank you for your email.’ So, I’m here less than 24 hours after having surgery because it’s the only way I can reach you.”
It was at this point the judge was rudely interrupted by someone, off camera, from the board dais. It’s easy to imagine the fear at being called out for their unscrupulous behavior making them want to silence the judge. However, Commissioner Miller valiantly stuck to his role as Chair and allowed Judge Bachart to continue.
“Sitting at a table we have treatment providers, people in recovery, a defense attorney, we have the District Attorney (DA) and the Chair of the Board of Commissioners (BOC). As a group we came up with a plan.
If you don’t have the trust of the DA and law enforcement, there is no one to deflect to. If you don’t roll out this program as agreed upon by the people actually doing the work; this program will fail.”

Next, begging for time before the high and mighty Board of Commissioners, came Sheriff Curtis Landers. “The Deflection partners have been meeting since April. I want to say I’m disappointed as your elected Sheriff that I have to present my concerns via a three minute public comment period and it was not placed on the agenda as requested by Chair Miller for an open and transparent discussion. I’m not even sure a decision has been made as I’ve heard conflicting accounts from Commissioners and County Counsel (Yuille). I’m also not sure why legal counsel is even involved at this point. I would like to point out that she (Yuille) has not participated in our discussions.”

Next to plead for an audience with Hall and Jacobson, et al was Lincoln County’s District Attorney Jenna Wallace. “I have never seen the level of cooperation as I’ve seen in this Deflection Workgroup.” She said, “I was really saddened to hear Miss Yuille had indicated that Commissioners Hall and Jacobson had already made the decision to place the position (Deflection Coordinator) in Probation (County Corrections office).
At this point DA Wallace made a point to say, “Commissioner Hall, you’re shaking your head. That’s what Counsel Yuille indicated multiple times in the meeting. I asked her (Yuille) ‘Have you met with each Commissioner separately and they have said that the position is going to the Department of Probation and she said ‘Yes’.”

Between the stunned silence of Yuille and Jacobson and the rapid, repetitive glances from Hall to Yuille as if the Commissioner was seeking a lifeline on “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” the audience either shook their heads in utter disbelief that three elected officials entrusted by the voters of Lincoln County with law enforcement and justice had to grovel for a few minutes of Commissioner Hall and Jacobson’s taxpayer funded time or else they applauded the three and their impassioned desire to help those struggling with addiction to reenter society.
According to County Commission Candidate Rick Beasley, who also attended the meeting, “If this is an example of how “Claire Cares”-then I don’t know how Lincoln County voters can trust her.”
At the end of the meeting Commissioner Hall (who couldn’t seem to flee the room fast enough) collided with the wall adjacent to the exit door which barely missed hitting the Commissioner on the behind on the Commissioner’s way out the door.
Excellent article on the shenanigans going on in our ciunty! The two council members should resign qith all the antics they’re running from
Does this have anything to do with drug people getting free living in our nice hotels and motels and then one person who was singled out as mentally unstable took the life of a man over his dog at Ashley Inn. Why put them up in our hotels in the first place?
That tragic event had no connection to the county. His family were the ones putting him up in the motel. He was never a client of county services.
Man who worked at a motel in Newport said he was put up there by the city and he was totally unreliable person.
These type of shenigans occur in every council of our local governments. Nothing new.
There,s Corruption everywhere money is a hell of a drug.