Saturday, March 8, 2025

Inaugural Homepage Candidate Forum ‘passes unanimously’

The inaugural Lincoln City Homepage Candidate Forum was deemed a timely success by candidates and the audience Wednesday night.

Homepage’s Cary Moore injected humor into his moderation duties, keeping candidates and the crowd entertained. The green, yellow, and red timing system, run by former Lincoln City Mayor Don Williams, kept the forum flowing. A Facebook live stream of the event started at 7 p.m., which drew a couple hundred viewers within the first half hour.

Candidates answered questions about crime, homelessness, affordable housing and were presented with what is arguably John F. Kennedy’s most famous quote; made into the form of a question:

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

(John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”  What would you ask the people of Lincoln County or Lincoln City to do for their hometown?)

Answers to that question drew a variety of answers with many asking for the community to get involved with government. Watch our video for full details.

The political hopefuls made their closing statements shortly after 8 p.m.

“So, check this out,” Moore said after the last candidate spoke. “Eight o’ one.” The candidates erupted at Moore’s nod to the predicted one hour time frame for the event he told them at the beginning.

A special appearance from Representative David Gomberg surprised Homepage staff and the incumbent sat down for an interview after the forum.

“Oh my goodness good questions — great people — interesting answers,” he said. “I think there’s tough choices ahead for Lincoln City.”

Gomberg went over the candidate questions and pointed out how he voted against his party’s wishes and “had the scars to show for it.” He also went into great detail about what could be done for affordable housing. Gomberg said it was his job to bring state money to Lincoln City, where the City Council can use it to address problems.

Members of the audience said Lincoln County Commissioner candidate Casey Miller “did a good job of answering city-based questions in a county-wide way.”

Below is the email Homepage sent out to the candidates before the forum, because as always, we are giving you transparency:

Hello candidates,

After much deliberation we have finalized our agenda.  The evening will go as follows:

Greetings from moderator

Pledge of allegiance

Moderator will inform everyone that candidate order has been determined by random drawing

Introduction of candidates by name and position running for 

Candidates each receive 30 seconds to say hello and give a brief biography

Questions begin

Each candidate will answer the same question (read by moderator).  Each candidate will be provided with the questions ahead of time as we felt it would help you craft your thoughts and help with the time constraints,  but please do not read your answers from notes.  

Candidates will have two minutes to answer.

At the end of questioning, candidates will have up to one minute to summarize their candidacy.

End of forum.

Special note:  We are including a list of all questions that we have created or received from the public.  We will present them to you and the audience.  

We will have an area at the entrance for your signs, brochures or flyers.

As of today we have confirmation from the following candidates:

Casey Miller – County Commissioner

Sydney Kasner – Ward 2

Carolyn Nguyen-Ward 2

Rick Mark – Ward 3

Susan Wahlke – Mayor

Mellissa Sumner – Ward 3

Riley Hoagland – Mayor

We will have seating for approx. 30 audience members.  Parking is available out front and on the street.  Parking is allowed on the back gravel lot but it is not well lit and should be used with caution.

Questions from the moderator

  1.   A comedian on Netflix told his Denver audience that they were one bad Mayor away from being Portland. We all know what he meant;  it means homeless tent camps, abandoned campers, violence, open drug use and kid’s whose bus shelters contain needles and crack pipes.   All that is here and is getting worse. 

What policies would you advocate to effect change?

  1. According to a Homepage Facebook poll when asked “What topics would you like the candidates to address?”  out of 107 votes

       44%  said  “Housing”

       13%  said   “Kids activities”

       9%    said  “Taxes”

       8%    said  “Traffic”

       7%    said  “Business Health”

  Please choose one of these items and give your opinion as to what role local government should have in these.

  1. John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”  What would you ask the people of Lincoln County or Lincoln City to do for their hometown?

Thank you so much for your participation and your willingness to serve.  We hope that tonight’s activity was beneficial to your campaigns.

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.



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