Friday, March 21, 2025

Listen to the voters


Listen to the voters.

The upcoming vacancy of position 3 on the Lincoln County Board of commissioners should be filled with person who just received 13,027 votes in the recent election.

The recent election came down to less than one half of one percent. The difference of a 115 votes in an election where over 26,000 votes were cast demonstrates the wishes of Lincoln County voters.

Rick Beasley was endorsed by the sitting Lincoln County Sheriff for a clear reason. He is a Veteran that served our country honorably.

If you have seen a decrease in public safety over recent years I ask you to consider endorsing a voice on the commission that will make public safety a high priority.

I humbly ask that the over 13,000 Lincoln County residents that voted for Rick Beasley convey their expectations and requirements of our public servants.

Diversity is strength. The two Commissioners choosing the new commissioner should resist picking someone the voters have had no voice in reviewing. They should resist picking someone that is complicit in an agenda. It is my hope that any and all citizens of Lincoln County reach out and make their opinions and votes matter. Time is of the essence.

LCH Reader
LCH Reader
The views and opinions expressed in letters to the editor are not necessarily those of Lincoln City Homepage.


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