UPDATE 3/26/18:
Competing in the beginner’s class, Kisor completed four 11-mile laps in 90 minutes and placed 11th.
Kay, racing in the 250 category, negotiated five laps in 90 and finished 12th.
Both boys are scheduled to race again April 15.
Maybe it’s best that longtime Lincoln City resident Heidi Kisor will be miles away – in another state even — when her son mounts his 2011 Yamaha YZ250F motorcycle Sunday for his first-ever dirt bike competition.
“I have so many emotions going on right now,” she said. “I’m so proud of him for chasing his passion, but scared and nervous, too.”
Eighteen-year-old Taft High senior Collin Kisor, and 16-year-old junior schoolmate Nathan Kay, will rev up their engines in Centerville, Wash., and represent Lincoln City in motocross competition at Eddieville Motorsports Park.

“Collin began riding at a young age and has had a passion for the sport ever since,” said Heidi, whose husband, Travis, is in Washington with Kay and his dad, Jason, for the GP Series #1 event. “He’s waited for this for so long.”
In his third year of competitive racing, Kay (No. 21), who began riding at age 5 with hopes of turning pro, will join Kisor (No. 377) aboard his 2009 Suzuki RMZ250.
“I wish I could be there to watch, but I’m glad I’m not at the same time,” Heidi said.
What a great opportunity for Collin and Nathan! Good luck guys and I hope you win! Thanks Jim for this article of our hometown boys!