Friday, July 26, 2024

North Lincoln Sanitary to ask Council for rate increase


Lincoln City City Council
Council Chambers (photo by Justin Werner)

A proposed rate increase in trash services from North Lincoln Sanitary of four and one half percent will be on the city council’s agenda August 28.

From the council’s agenda packet: “Ordinance 2006-11 Section 13, subsection E, provides for regular proceedings to consider rate adjustments. It states, “If the franchisee’s annual report of operations submitted under subsection C of this section projects that the franchisee’s operating ratio for the current fiscal year will be less than 0.85 or greater than 0.91, then there shall be a rate review proceeding in accord with this subsection E.

logo courtesy of North Lincoln Sanitary Service website

The franchisee’s submitted rate review report projects that its operating ratio for FY2023 will be 93% without a rate increase. With a 4.5% rate increase, the projected operating ratio is 89%.

In July 2022, City Council adopted Resolution 2022-25 that increased NLSS rates by 17%.
This set the standard residential rate to $32.93. This resolution will change the rate for
standard residential service to $34.41″

Public comment will be taken live at the city council meeting scheduled to begin at six p.m. August 28 in council chambers.  Comments may also be emailed directly to the city  or to individual councilors or mayor.

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


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