Registration for the second annual Lincoln City Police Department Summer Youth Camp is under way and forms can be obtained from the Lincoln City Police Department or Lincoln City Community Center. Registration forms should be turned in at the police station.
The free four-day camp, scheduled Aug. 26-29, at Oceanlake Elementary, is under the direction of Senior Officer Summer Danneker, with assistance from School Resource Officer Logan Smith, and in partnership with the Lincoln City Parks and Recreation Department. It attracted nearly 60 kids from kindergarten to eighth grade last year.
Youth are divided into teams, where they work together through games and challenges to build teamwork and leadership skills. Daily lessons are conducted on various topics, such as bullying, making good choices, being responsible and being a good citizen.
Participants are recognized for their achievements throughout the week in a small awards ceremony at the conclusion of the program.
Older students, grades 9-12 also are encouraged to participate, and are incorporated into the program as team leaders and coaches.