Monday, March 31, 2025

Requests for Oregon’s Safe Routes to School funds near $100 million

safe routes

Oregon communities are ready to improve safety for Oregon’s youngest population under the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) infrastructure program.

The Oregon Department of Transportation received 142 letters of intent requesting nearly $100 million to invest in safe routes to school. This first round of funding offers $10 million.

To help evaluate proposals, a new (SRTS) Advisory Committee has been created, made up of stakeholders from around the state. The committee will hold its first meeting Oct. 24 (details will be announced about one month prior to the meeting).

Final applications for funding are due Oct. 15, with reviews, scoring and recommendations taking place through Jan. 2019. Early next year, the Oregon Transportation Commission will make the final decision on who receives the grants.

The SRTS Infrastructure Program provides funding for projects that address the needs of students who walk and bicycle to school considering the unique perspectives and behavior of children. The fund, established by Keep Oregon Moving (HB 2017), receives $10 million state highway dollars annually increasing to $15 million annually in 2023.

To learn more about the committee, meetings and the program, visit the SRAC website.

Homepage Staff
Homepage Staff
Staff account: Articles written and/or edited by Homepage Staff.


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