As many loyal Lincoln City Homepage Facebook Community members already know there have been multiple reports of grass carp washing ashore on the beaches of Lincoln City.
The reports are true. The carp in question have flushed out of their home in Devils Lake where they were just recently planted to fight the wave of Elodia grass currently choking the life out of the lake.
Just how the fresh water fish got into the Pacific is still in question. Many speculate that the carp were pushed out the D river by the torrent we all experienced on Wednesday. Some believe that the fish found their way to the ocean where the lake flooded over West Devils Lake road.

The first indication of the fish having escaped came via a post on Lincoln City Homepage Facebook Community page by Libby Salazar. She said, “Don’t know what these fish are but hundreds vid them on beach from Roads end to at least the casino , fresh looking maybe less than a day washed up . Seagulls are having a buffet.” and included a few photos of the poor little things.
According to Devils Lake Water Improvement District (DLWID) Lake Manager Boone Marker, “I counted 125 yesterday (12/7/23) with the help of staff from Lincoln City Parks and Recreation. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) counted as well and found 120.”
The fish, a non native species whos use in lakes is heavily regulated by different government agencies require identification chips in the fish which help them ascertain if the fish were legally introduced into a body of water.
According to Marker, “I’m meeting with ODFW in Newport today to check out tags. I’ll be able to give more information later.”
For now, the birds and crabs have hit the jackpot and will eat well this week.
Authorities suggest that beachcombers leave the dead fish alone and let nature do the cleanup.
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