Monday, March 31, 2025

Depoe Bay opens emergency warming center

By Rick Beasley, Beacon Media

Special for Lincoln City Homepage

Emergency shelter opens in Depoe Bay. City Councilor Joyce King manning the Red Cross emergence

Depoe Bay city officials on Monday opened a warming center at the Community Hall at 220 SE Bay View Street next to the harbor entrance.  The shelter is open to all, not just residents.

City councilors and members of the Emergency Committee will operate the 24-hr. shelter until the end of the power outage, caused by a severe winter storm and icing. A generator is providing electricity and outlets to charge cell phones and other electronics, while cold cuts for sandwiches and vats of hot spaghetti are on the menu. The building will be open all night.

Mayor Kathy Short marshaled volunteers to run the center and was busy delivering hot plates of food to Depoe Bay residents, including an elderly woman who hadn’t eaten since Friday, January 13, when power lost to more than 30,000 customers of Central Lincoln PUD.

Our photographer found City Councilor Joyce King manning the Red Cross emergence trailer while Mayor Short stirred spaghetti. City Councilor Fran Recht was also on hand, serving hot coffee to arrivals.

Rick Beasley
Rick Beasley
Special to Homepage, Rick Beasley is an award-winning journalist across newsprint and digital media. Also founder of the Depoe Bay Beacon and Beacon Media.


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