Friday, July 26, 2024

Lincoln City Parent Group Silent Auction

On Sunday December 3rd from 6-8 PM the Lincoln City Parent Group will be hosting its annual silent auction at the Lincoln City Cultural Center. The group of parents are raising money to help students and the schools they learn in.

lincoln city parents group silent auction

Over 100 items have been donated for the auction from local businesses and include gift certificates and hand-made baskets from the students of Oceanlake and Taft Elementary. Classes were assigned a theme for their baskets. The picture above is a class working on a spring gardening themed basket.

The LCPG has used funds raised in the past for:

  • Classroom supplies
  • Ice cream & soda social
  • Zumba and karate for students
  • Swimming lessons
  • Laminator and laminator supplies
  • Curtain for Oceanlake’s stage
  • Teacher appreciation lunches
  • Cookies and coffee for conferences
  • Classroom volunteers
  • Books
  • Music programs
  • Brain Pop
  • Volunteering for events
  • Technology

Food will be donated by Otis Cafe. Awesome cookies will be provided by My Petite Sweet.

Donations provided by:

Sparks Gallery – Galluccis – Community Center – John Towers Photography – Kyllos – Pacific West Ambulance – Roby’s – Pop Culture – TLC – B-nails – and many more.

This should be the best auction put on to date. See you at the Lincoln City Cultural Center on December 3rd from 6-8 PM!

Justin Werner
Justin Werner
Justin Werner is the founder and editor of the Lincoln City Homepage, a trusted source of local news and information for residents and visitors of Lincoln City, Oregon. He is also a community leader, entrepreneur, and dedicated advocate for transparency and accountability in local government.


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