Monday, March 10, 2025
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Want some eggs? The yolk’s on you!

Lincoln City Safeway’s egg department is nearly empty

As if Inflation wasn’t bad enough in 2023, thanks to a little economic timebomb left to us that consume eggs by the 2019 Oregon legislature we can realistically expect to pay twice what we paid just a week ago for Large and Extra Large eggs (that is if we can find any).

SB 1019 outlawed the sale of eggs from any egg producer with over 3000 birds that employed cages in their production.  

The bill gave egg producers until 2024 to make the change.

At the time of the passing of the legislation, according to the United Egg Producers approximately 85 percent of all eggs produced in America were cage laid.

Well it’s now January 2024 and that little bomb just exploded in our faces.

Store shelves in Lincoln City and Newport are nearly empty of large and extra large eggs.

A quick survey showed Safeway with no eggs, Grocery Outlet had a good supply of the now required cage free eggs but none larger than medium grade. 

Dwindling supply of eggs and steep price increases on the way.

McKays showed a dwindling supply with their 60 count packs now almost double in price from last week at $22.99 each.

According to  one grocer who asked not to be identified, “We can’t get any large or extra Large eggs right now and when we do they will be at least twice the price they were a week or two ago.”

Voting Yes for SB1019 from Lincoln County:

Senate: Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay, District 5)

House: David Gomberg (D-Otis, District 10)

This is a developing story.  Like, follow and subscribe for updates



Big tides hit the beaches



Courtesy Janet Young on Lincoln City Homepage Facebook Community page
Courtesy Janet Young on Lincoln City Homepage Facebook Community page

It was a day to enjoy big water in Lincoln City. With high tide at nearly seven feet the offshore waves were spectacular to see and the crashing waves and far slung tides made for dangerous forays onto the sand.

Onlookers at D River Wayside

And despite warnings from posted signs and verbal cautions from passers by people still wandered onto the beaches without a moments hesitancy.
“I don’t want to see anyone hurt, “said an onlooker at the D River wayside which was packed with sightseers, “but they sure would deserve it if they did.”

Despite posted warnings, some folks just couldn’t resist

Winter camping options in Oregon

photo courtesy of Oregon State parks department

According to Lucas Alberg, writing for Travel Oregon, winter doesn’t have to mean the end of camping and outdoor recreations.

“As my partner and I greeted an early-December morning in the snug confines of our cabin at L.L. Stub Stewart State Park, we had anticipated a day filled with outdoor adventures. The surprise that awaited us was beyond our expectations, however — a world outside transformed into a serene white landscape reminiscent of a Robert Frost poem. Instead of our planned hike, we found ourselves sauntering throughout the park, reveling in the pristine beauty of the freshly fallen snow. That magical winter weekend nearly a decade ago ignited our passion for winter glamping in Oregon’s state parks.

While many choose to hunker down at home or bask in the warmth of a fireplace during winter, Oregon State Park cabins and yurts offer a welcoming alternative. With greater availability and the comfort of heating and electricity, these accommodations provide a safe and welcoming way to experience the natural world during a different season. Here are our top recommendations for immersing yourself in the state’s winter landscapes while staying in an Oregon State Park cabin or yurt.”

You can find Alberg’s top 5 picks for winter camping here.

Many Oregon DMV fees are set to increase January 1


Well, who didn’t see this coming? Just in time for the new year your Oregon legislature gave the go ahead to the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to raise rates across the board on just about every facet of driving in Oregon.

DMV services related to licensing, certification, knowledge and skills testing, vehicle inspections and registrations will increase according to Oregon law 2024.

Voting “Yes” for the increase was Representative Dave Gomberg (D-Otis)

Voting “No” against the increase was Senator Dick Anderson (R-Lincoln City)

According to press release form the DMV, “Driver’s license or ID card, renew vehicle tags, and take a driver’s test (among other DMV services) will see increased fees starting Jan. 1, 2024.”

Plate transfer, replacement plate/sticker, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) inspection, plate manufacturing, camper/travel trailer/motorhome registration and dealer document fees are included in the bill.

Other fees, such as vehicle registration and the road usage charge, will see their fourth and final step increase Jan. 1.

Click here for a full list of service affected at the DMV home website.

Contact: Michelle Godfrey, 503-945-5270, [email protected]

Oregon beaches schedule for monitoring of bacteria in 2024/2025

Nelscott Beach

The Oregon Beach Monitoring Program (OBMP) has finalized a list of beaches to be monitored for unsafe levels of bacteria during the 2024 and 2025 monitoring seasons.

The list was created based on established criteria, including high recreational use, nearby pollution hazards, previously measured high bacteria levels, and public input.

OBMP is a joint effort between Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to monitor the waters along Oregon’s coastline for the presence of fecal bacteria and report elevated levels to the public.

Oregon Coast Beach SafetyThrough this program, DEQ regularly samples and tests marine water and freshwater at about 20 beaches along Oregon’s 360 miles of coastline between May and September. OHA issues advisories at beaches where bacteria levels are considered unsafe.

OHA and DEQ evaluate beaches and sampling locations every two years. The proposed list includes some of the most frequently visited beaches in Oregon; beaches where the program has previously found bacteria; and beaches for which local partners and the public have requested monitoring due to pollution concerns.

To view a video about the updated beach monitoring list for 2024/2025, click here.

Based on OBMP’s evaluation criteria, OHA and DEQ selected the following Lincoln County beaches for the 2024/2025 monitoring season:

For more information about OBMP, visit the program website at or call 971-673-0440. People can also call OHA’s toll-free information line, 877-290-6767.

$600 million Grant Award for I-5 Bridge Replacement

I5 bridge north to Washington (phot courtesy of Wikipedia)

Salem,OR- The Bi-State I-5 Bridge Committee and Oregon Joint Transportation Chairs today announced a federal investment from the United States Department of Transportation’s National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) grant.  It brings the committee $600 million closer to completing the I-5 bridge replacement project.  

The funding comes from the United States Department of Transportation’s National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) grant program, established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in 2021

The award is the highest amount yet awarded through the program and will go to the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program. Oregon and Washington jointly applied for the grant.

“A safe, seismically resilient, and multimodal transportation system means full, complete,
connected communities,” said Representative Susan McLain (D-Hillsboro, Forest Grove
and Cornelius), Co-Chair of the Joint Committee on Transportation.

This commitment from our federal partners demonstrates just how important the I-5 Bridge is to the infrastructure of the West Coast and the impact a healthy, functional Bridge has on the economy, the communities, and the industries that flourish on both sides of the river.”


Winter whale watch returns


whale watching weekendOregon State Parks will once again host Winter Whale Watch Week at 15 sites along the Oregon Coast Wednesday, December 27 to Sunday, December 31, 2023.

According to a Parks department news release, “Every year thousands of gray whales migrate south through Oregon’s waters at the end of December, and state parks invites visitors to the coast to see their journey. The Whale Watch Week sites are some of the best places to spot whales on the Oregon Coast. “

Trained volunteers will be stationed at 15 sites to help visitors spot whales, share information and answer questions from 10a.m. to 1p.m. daily. Volunteer opportunities are still available along the north and south coast if you register by Dec. 11 at

“We are excitedly waiting for the migration of the gray whales to come down from Alaska,” said Park Ranger Peter McBride. “We really enjoy sharing the experience with visitors,” It’s been a tradition at Oregon State Parks for more than 40 years.”

A map of volunteer-staffed sites is available online on the official event webpage:

An estimated 14,500 gray whales swam past Oregon’s shores last winter, according to the most recent population estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The journey is part of their annual migration south to the calving lagoons near Baja, Mexico, and the end of December is the peak time to see their migration south.

The Whale Watching Center in Depoe Bay will be open 10a.m. to 3p.m. Wednesday through Sunday. Visitors to the center can enjoy interactive whale exhibits and take in the panoramic ocean views. Binoculars are provided. Rangers from Oregon State Parks will also be on hand to answer questions about whales.

All Whale Watch Week visitors are encouraged to dress for the weather, to bring binoculars and to follow beach safety guidelines such as remaining out of fenced areas, knowing the tide schedule and keeping an eye on the surf at all times. Go to for a list of safety tips.

For more information about coast parks and campgrounds, visit

Visitors are encouraged to share their photos and videos from Winter Whale Watch on social media using #OregonStateParks and #ORWhaleWatch23.

King Tide Excursions with Newport Parks and Recreation


Newport Parks and Recreation has announced a new excursion coming up on January 11th and February 10th.

Two dates were chosen to coincide with the king tides in January and February.

Participants will meet at the Newport Recreation Center and ride in a van to Shore Acres State Park where they will have 2 hours to view waves and stroll through the gardens.

“We chose Shore Acres because it’s famous for those big wave splashes,” says Jenni Remillard, Recreation Program Specialist, “but it also has the gardens and some trails for us to explore in case the ocean isn’t cooperating to give us a big show.”

Remillard mentions that even though it will be a king tide, that’s not a guarantee of large waves-swell is also a factor.

Photo courtesy of Oregon State Parks department

Remillard continued, “Shore Acres has special underwater topography that can create huge waves if conditions are right so we are hopeful with it being winter and king tides, we’ll see some action.”

After taking in the sights at the park, the van will head to the food truck pod in Coos Bay for a late lunch before starting back to Newport. If there is time, there will also be a pit stop in Charleston at Chuck’s Seafood for a chance to purchase smoked fish and other

Remillard noted, “This trip has it all, beautiful ocean views and the chance to see big waves, lovely gardens, and delicious food, plus you don’t have to drive!

Remillard will be leading the trip and is well versed in sea life and the ocean so participants will have a chance to learn something new.

Register online under the Special Events tab here Space is limited.
For more information, please contact Jenni Remillard at 541 265 4859 or at
[email protected]

Warming shelter coming to Lincoln City? (Updated)

Former auto repair shop on SE 48th pl to become newest homeless shelter in Lincoln City?

*UPDATE*  According to Lincoln County Public Information Officer Kenneth Lipp;

“…the property at 4794 SE Highway 101 will not be purchased for use as a winter shelter, and the Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board was not involved with that potential acquisition. They were just being updated on an activity relevant to their homelessness response mission.”

The Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board (LCHAB), chaired by Lincoln County commissioner Hall is believed to be in the process of buying property in the Taft district. The building may become an emergency homeless shelter with the possibility of converting it into a permanent shelter.

The building is the former Sports and Imports repair shop at 4794 SE highway 101.  It has been for sale for some time and was recently sold and relisted for sale but never developed-until the LCHAB set it’s eyes on it. 

Through multiple inquiries, the Homepage was told by Karen Rockwell, the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Lincoln County that,

“My Asset & Development Manager Dan Butler mentioned that you had reached out again regarding acquisition of property that the Housing Authority if pursuing in Lincoln City. As you know, the Housing Authority has been working in partnership with Lincoln County and Lincoln City to research many different options for sheltering in Lincoln City.

At this time there are no facilities that have been purchased. There are several properties that are being vetted and if we locate one that will work we will close on the purchase.”

So, in government speak that means “technically we haven’t purchased it but we have an accepted offer and it is proceeding toward closing.”

At the LCHAB meeting on December 13 it was announced that “the property we are interested in will close either Friday the 15th or Monday the 18th of this month.”

Homepage first became aware of the situation through Mike Jipp, the owner of Lincoln City Surf Shop.  Jipp’s business abuts the proposed site. He said he had spoken with Dan Butler of Lincoln City Housing Authority who began telling Jipp about the upgrades that would be needed to make the building suitable for a homeless shelter.

In an email communication Butler wrote, “Hey Mike, Yes, we are moving forward on it. We’ve had a commercial property inspection completed and we will be opening the wall for a door and some exploration as needed.”

When questioned by Lincoln City Homepage how a homeless shelter could be sited in the Taft Village Core Zoning when a shelter previously opened next door (and owned by the author of this story) had been rejected by the Lincoln City city council she responded, “… a few years ago there were significant changes to code to allow for an increase in siting shelters. I imagine the process you went through previously is much different than what is currently allowed. See below for that information:″

HB3395 basically tells local governments (and that means citizens) that they have no say in where homeless shelters can be opened. 

Section 7 reads; “Section 3, chapter 18, Oregon Laws 2021, is amended to read: Sec. 2 (1) A local government shall approve an application for the development or use of land for an emergency shelter (our italics), as defined in [section 2 of the 2021 act], on any property, notwithstanding this chapter or ORS chapter 195…or any statewide land use planning goal, rule of the Land Conservation and Development Commission or local land use regulation, zoning ordinance, regional framework plan, functional plan or comprehensive plan, if the emergency shelter..” and it goes on to list what is required within the shelter and the types of organizations that can operate it.

What is concerning citizens that Homepage asked about this is that there were “no hearings, no notifications to neighbors and another piece of property off the tax roles.”

This property sits kitty corner from a liquor store, across the street from Shuckers Bar and Grill and a few doors south of the mini mart that sells fortified wines and beers.  It is one of the busiest corners in Lincoln City with visibility issues from 48th pl to Hwy 101.  It is also a secondary road to Taft elementary school and Taft 7-12.

This is list of participants from the meeting minutes of November 8.  Homepage was unable to ascertain attendees in yesterday’s meeting.

City of Depoe Bay, Kathy Short, Mayor
City of Depoe Bay, Sandi HollenBeck*
City of Lincoln City, Judy Casper, Council President
City of Newport, Jan Kaplan, Mayor
City of Newport, Cynthia Jacobi, Councilor*
City of Siletz, Susan Trachsel, Council President
City of Toledo, Rod Cross, Mayor
City of Waldport, Dan Cutter, City Manager*
City of Yachats, Catherine Whitten-Carey, Councilor*
Community Services Consortium, Pegge McGuire, Executive Director
Community Services Consortium, Dina Eldridge, Housing Services Manager*
Lincoln County, Claire Hall, Commissioner

This is a developing story.

Lincoln City to receive 100k grant for new park

Artist conception of new park features

Lincoln City Parks and Recreation department announced that Travel Oregon has awarded  a $100k grant to build a new accessible playground in the newly created park in the Taft district. According to the Parks and Recreation department the accessible playground will be the first of its kind on the Oregon Coast, and provide independent play to persons of all abilities and ages.

For more info on new park:…/new-community-park…