Thursday, October 24, 2024

Coastal Caucus unites against offshore wind plans

In a letter to the Director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Elizabeth Klein, Representative David Gomberg (D-House District 10) serving as Chairman of the Coastal Caucus and Senator Dick Anderson (R-Senate District 5) serving as Vice Chair outlined their group’s concern about the placement of energy production sites off of the Oregon coast. The thrust of the letter is to reiterate to the Director the overwhelming opposition  that they have heard from nearly all constituents up and down the Oregon coast to the currently proposed projects.

Representative David Gomberg
Senator Dick Anderson
In their letter they write, “Community concerns consolidated by the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development noted that coastal community members and individuals tied to the fishing industry have overwhelmingly spoken with great opposition towards offshore wind. These concerns have been echoed by marine scientists, engineers, environmentalists, tribes, and coastal municipalities. We cannot move forward with offshore wind in Oregon until the needs and concerns of these groups have been addressed….
We must emphasize that, of the 1,100 public comments submitted on Oregon’s Draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs), most were in opposition to moving forward with the offshore wind process in Oregon. Even those in support emphasize the need for additional consideration of tribal, fishing, and coastal community voices.”
They continue, “Many expressed that the development of a new use of the ocean should not come at the cost of existing uses and resources that provide benefits to food security and the economies of Oregon coastal communities. A comprehensive discussion of community benefits and tradeoffs will likely be a necessary component in any future decision to allow development of offshore wind.” 


To read the entire letter click here.


Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


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