Thursday, February 27, 2025

Oops! County leaks sensitive information from County Commissioner application.

Like the fox watching the hen house

Act one of a three act play:

Awhile ago, Lincoln City Homepage was alerted to nefarious shenanigans going on at the Lincoln County Commissioner’s office.   Two of three commissioners, and an unelected attorney were making policy decisions behind closed doors. Shutting out other elected officials such as the county Sheriff, the county’s District Attorney and County Commissioner Casey Miller which made us suspect that much was being withheld from the public by the fiat of just a few without full exposure to the sanitizing daylight of public disclosure.

County Commissioner Casey Miller drew the ire of Commissioners Hall and Jacobson along with the unelected county attorney Yullie. All because he wanted transparency and to have questions of procedure addressed publicly.

Instead of being celebrated as a proverbial breath of fresh air in the fat, stale stench of the commissioner’s chamber a torrent of accusations were unleashed on him. Accusing him of disclosing confidential information and “bullying”, someone, without a public notice or vote hired a law firm to “investigate” claims made against him. Infamous Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was famous for saying, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” How the county authorized anyone to hire an investigator much less begin an investigation without Commissioner Miller having a vote is questionable. If Stalin wore a dress and a man bra he would feel right at home on the Lincoln County Commission.

The second act of this play featured Commissioner Kaety Jacobson abruptly resigning from the council. Which now leaves the commission at two representatives; Miller and Hall.  Somehow, without Commissioner Miller’s knowledge, the “county” (whoever that invisible monster might be) decided to appoint someone to Jacobson’s position rather than hold a special election. 

Which leads into the third act of this grotesque production.  Someone from the county created an application for the position of County Commissioner.  Applicants were to fill out the form and submit to the Board of Commissioners by January 28.

Lincoln City Homepage received a copy of the application and immediately red flags and rockets filled the air.  We sent a a question to Kenneth Lipp, Public Information Officer for clarification.  We asked if the form was an application for a job with Lincoln county to which he replied “No it is not.” Which then begged the follow up question to which we still have not received a response, “Then what is it?”

Dubiously legal questions populated the form.  Questions such as “Date of birth.” Clearly illegal in a private sector application (age discrimination). “Social Security Number” which, while not illegal to ask for is highly advised against by most Human Resource departments for the security liability it contains. Other questions bordered on McCarthyesque; Joseph McCarthy’s communist hunt was famous for the question, “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?” So it seems it’s not entirely out of character for a politburo such as the current county commission and its minions to have created.

The following questions are on the application:

“Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?” 

“Have you been disciplined, terminated or asked to resign from a paid or volunteer position?”

“Have you ever been disciplined or cited for a breach of ethics or unprofessional conduct or been the subject of a complaint to any court, administrative agency, professional association, disciplinary committee, or other professional group?”

“Have you ever been involved in civil litigation, or administrative or legislative proceedings of any kind, either as plaintiff, defendant, respondent, witness or party in interest? If yes, please explain.”

“Have you ever run for political office, served on a political committee, or been identified publicly with a particular political organization, candidate or issue?”

“Have you ever had an association with any person or group or business venture which could be used, even unfairly, to impugn or question your character and qualifications for the requested appointment?”

Lincoln City Homepage sent the following questions concerning the application to Lipp and have yet to receive a response of any kind:

1. Where would I find the rules that govern the commission and how it goes about its work?
2. Who authorized the appointment to Jacobson’s position as opposed to holding a special election?
3. Who authored the current application for the position and who approved its use?
4. Who authorized the release of the investigator’s conclusions about Casey Miller (and) who drafted the press release and who authorized its release?
5. Since the Application for the Commissioner’s seat is not (as you noted) a county job application who will see the sensitive (and dubiously legal) information that it requests and who will be in charge of securing it?
6. Will every applicant be given an interview and by who?
We believe these are legitimate questions that deserve an answer.  So far, nothing.
But then, just yesterday, we received a copy of an email sent out by Lipp titled “Inadvertent email.” “Hello, all, an email was inadvertently forwarded to this list a few minutes ago. It was recalled, but if you did receive it, please delete that email without reading. Apologies for any confusion.” 
Within the body of the email in question was a completed application for the commission position. 
It including the applicant’s date of birth, home address, social security number and more. So the question still remains, who will see the information and who will be in charge of securing it?  Apparently the answers are Anyone and No One.
The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners needs deep reforming.  Unfortunately one of the biggest obstacles to reform was just reelected and seems not interested in transitioning the commission from a good old boys club to one of transparency and honesty.


Homepage Staff
Homepage Staff
Staff account: Articles written and/or edited by Homepage Staff.


  1. Sounds like there is a lot of corruption going on and I am so glad Katey Jacobson is leaving. She should have left a long time ago

  2. Thank you for exposing the disgusting behavior and power grab at the BOC office. Everyone including law-enforcement notice this has been going on for very long time. I implore someone to recall, petition effort. It would be hard to support it and this is the only way to clean house at our beloved DOC office thank you for this article.

  3. This is utter rubbish and needs to be addressed. Nothing good is going to come from this nonsense. It’s embarrassing for Lincoln County and the people who voted.

  4. If they appoint someone, It should be Rick Beasley who only lost to Hall by a few hundred votes. If they don’t appoint Beasley, There should be a special election.
    We cannot continue to allow the lawlessness of Hall, he will do anything to stay in power.


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