Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Pertussis (whooping cough) cases on rise in Lincoln County

Lincoln County Health & Human Services is seeing an increase in confirmed pertussis (whooping cough) cases.

Pertussis is a highly infectious disease that passes from person to person via direct contact, and from an infectious person coughing and sneezing.

Pertussis can be life-threatening to babies. It is important to know that within the first six months of life, some babies exposed to pertussis mighty not cough at all; instead they stop breathing and turn blue.

Complications include hospitalization, pneumonia, brain damage and death. Adolescents and adults who contract pertussis often will have a violent, persistent cough that lasts for months.

People who are infected with pertussis are the most infectious one week before any symptoms occur and for two weeks after the cough begins.

The bacteria that causes pertussis can remain on surfaces for two to three days after an infected person breathes, coughs or sneezes.

You can receive vaccinations for pertussis and other diseases from your Primary Care Provider, Pharmacies or Lincoln County Public Health. Lincoln County Health & Human Services provides vaccines at these locations:

Lincoln Community Health Center
Newport: 1010 SW Coast Hwy Suite 203, Newport OR  541-265-4947
Lincoln City: 4422 NE Devil’s Lake Road Suite 2, Lincoln City, OR 541-265-4947

Lincoln County Public Health
Nye Clinic: 36 SW Nye St., Newport OR  541-265-0587

School Based Health Centers (when school starts)

Newport H.S. Taft H.S. Toledo H.S. Waldport H.S.
541-265-0472 541-265-0474 541-265-0473 541-265-0471

Vaccines to prevent pertussis work. Before pertussis vaccines became widely available in the 1940s, about 200,000 children got sick with it each year in the United States and about 9,000 died as a result of the infection.

Children and adolescents are required to have immunizations for school attendance, so outbreaks of disease do not happen in our schools and childcare facilities.

People over 11 need a booster after 10 years. Contact your medical provider if you think you need a booster.

For more information from the CDC visit:


Homepage Staff
Homepage Staffhttps://lincolncityhomepage.com/
Staff account: Articles written and/or edited by Homepage Staff.


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