Saturday, March 29, 2025


Dick Anderson

News from the Oregon Legislature

The Capitol is open, and session has begun! Bills are already flowing to committees.

Senator Anderson reflects on freshman year

State Senator Dick Anderson, (R)-District 5, sat down for an interview with Lincoln City Homepage to share his thoughts on the upcoming 82nd congress which started Jan. 1.

Town hall: Senator Merkley fields questions in Lincoln City

U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley took questions on a wide-range of topics from the media and public Saturday at a town hall event held inside Taft High School.

Lincoln City Mayor Anderson to run for State Senate

Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson announced Thursday, Dec. 19 that he has filed for the State Senate, District #5 seat for the 2020 election.

Rep. Gomberg, Mayor Anderson testify against proposed VRD bill

State Representative David Gomberg and Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson testified in opposition to SB 621 in Salem Tuesday, before the Senate Committee on Business and General Government in a public hearing.

Mayor Anderson: State of Lincoln City Address

Lincoln City Mayor Dick Anderson spoke before a crowd of local business owners, managers and city officials for his State of the City address at the Lincoln City Cultural Center sponsored by the Lincoln City Chamber of Commerce.

New era in local government unveiled at City Hall

A new era in the governance of Lincoln City was ushered in Monday night at City Hall, where three first-time councilors and a familiar leader were pronounced fit for office during ceremonies at the City Council's first regular session of the new year.

It’s official: Anderson elected mayor of Lincoln City

Dick Anderson is officially mayor of Lincoln City by a margin of 16 votes over Susan Wahlke.

DEVELOPING: Uncounted ballots leave close Lincoln City mayor race undecided

Dick Anderson narrowly led a hotly contested race for Lincoln City mayor that was too close to call late Tuesday when the final printout of results was released at approximately 11 p.m.

Dick Anderson running for Mayor of Lincoln City

Lincoln City Councilor Dick Anderson announced today that he will seek the position of Lincoln City Mayor on the November ballot. He has decided to announce his candidacy at this time so others have time to decide and file for his City Council seat.

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