Saturday, February 15, 2025



Lincoln City K-9 will take a bite out of crime

Lincoln City Police announced their K-9 program fundraising efforts were successful Wednesday, saying a $75,000 goal had been reached and selection of a K-9 and handling officer was underway.

Public takes big bite out of LCPD’s bark for K-9 program donations

The Lincoln City Police Department (LCPD) reports that approximately two-thirds of the necessary $75,000 has been donated by citizens and organizations toward its implementation of a K-9 program.

K9 Nix assists LCPD’s Liden in pursuit of felony suspect on beach

Lincoln City Police officer Torin Liden was assisted by Lincoln County Sheriff K9 officer Nix and an Oregon State Police trooper shortly after midnight Thursday in the apprehending of a wanted suspect who ran on foot after a traffic stop.

Lincoln City police add bite to their bark with new K9 unit

The Lincoln City Police Department (LCPD) is seeking public funding to unleash a new police dog program intended to provide safety and security to area residents.

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