Monday, March 31, 2025

Committee sought to support transportation of elderly, disabled

special transportation

Applications to fill vacancies on the Lincoln County Special Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC) are being sought through Oct. 5 by the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners.

The committee oversees grant money provided by the State’s Special Transportation Fund Program (STF), which provides revenue in support of transportation services for Seniors and people with disabilities of any age.

The Oregon Legislature has intended that STF funds be used to provide transportation services needed to access health, education, work, and social/recreational opportunities so that Seniors and people with disabilities may live as independently and productively as possible. The funds may be used for any purpose directly related to transportation services, including transit operations, capital equipment, planning, travel training and other transit-related purposes.

STAC meetings are held at least twice a year. Membership duration is three years.

In addition to evaluating transportation services to persons residing in Lincoln County who are elderly or are persons with disabilities, the STAC also identifies and advocates for transportation needs and services that affect the welfare of all residents of Lincoln County.

STAC Committee membership consists of at least five individuals to be appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Applicants need to meet at one of the following categories to be eligible for committee membership:

1) Elderly users of transportation services;

2) Disabled users of transportation services;

3) Providers of elderly or disabled transportation services;

4) Representatives of elderly;

5) Representatives of disabled;

6) Elderly individuals living in an area of the district or county where there are no public transportation services

7) Disabled individuals living in an area of the district or county where there are no public transportation services.

Applications are available at Lincoln County Transit Office, the Board of Commissioners Office, or online at the County’s website:



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