News release (originally issued February 13 2024)
BOEM has designated two final Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) off the Oregon coast, the Coos Bay WEA is 61,204 acres and located approximately 32 miles (mi) from shore. The Brookings WEA is 133,808 acres and approximately 18 mi off the coast. If fully developed, the Final WEAs could support 2.4 GW of energy production.
The news release can be read in full here
I think it is wrong that the peopleof Oregon didn’t get a chance to either vote on this monstrosity has been decided by our government.
It doesn’t make any difference in our politics all of us are against it. We didn’t want oil drilling off our coast so what makes windmillsany better.
If Oregonians have to pay with, increased taxes, for repair or any thing to do with these horrible machines or if our fishing and any ocean life be destroyed by the disruption of our ocean floor many of us will be angry.
I would also like know what states are going to proffit by these windmills.