Saturday, March 29, 2025

An icy night brings thawing for some


Ice accumulation near Otis, OR

Around 4pm Thurday night many people were reporting that they were noticing ice forming on their porch decks and tree limbs.

By 8p.m. the freezing rain that was predicted for Lincoln City arrived.

Stranded driver outside Puerto Vallarta Mexican Restaurant
An icy parking lot at Safeway

Lincoln City Homepage Community facebook page was awash in reports of strandings and accidents.

The Lincoln City Police Department reported on their Facebook post, “MIDNIGHT UPDATE – the roads on the north side of the city are still icy in spots, but have mostly turned to slush.”

Driving this morning at 8a.m. from D river toward Otis, I noted how the driving conditions deteriorated rapidly east milepost 3.

As of 9a.m. Oregon State Police had closed Hwy 18 west from mileposts 15 through 21 (six miles west of Grand Rhonde).

Hwy 101 through Lincon City is wet and predominantly ice free but watch for sheltered areas, bridges and road shoulders that have not yet thawed.

Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


  1. Firstly, the picture of ice accumulation on the branches is great, I have one of
    an old ice storm here, as well as some photos of the pond at Canyon park frozen over from the olden days.
    Those cars don’t look very stranded to me, unless the food establishment is closed..
    Isn’t that one of those PT Cruisers on that parking island? Something like that could only happen to such a pointless vehicle.
    It didn’t get cold here at my house, I have a surplus of cocoa and espresso I don’t know what to do with.
    That road looks perfectly safe, I drove a motorcycle through the snow over
    Murphy Hill one time, I had to pass cars the whole way.


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