The Lincoln City Police Department will sponsor the “Fun Summer Games” program for kindergarteners to eighth-graders Aug. 27-30 at Oceanlake Elementary School.
Lincoln City Police Department would like to congratulate our newly promoted Sergeant David Broderick, who was sworn in on May 3rd in the Lincoln City Council Chambers.
Children say the darndest things sometimes, and when they said "where do the police live?" a chuckle escaped me. "The police station," I replied. After a moment of silence, I heard from the backseat: "can we see where the police live?"
Lincoln City Police Chief Keith Killian, and City Attorney Richard Appicello, visited DOJ headquarters at least twice in late 2015 to initiate secret criminal investigations of Mayor Don Williams, and one of the mayor’s supporters, transparency advocate Ross Smith.
LINCOLN CITY—Surveillance camera footage quickly shredded a Chicago man’s denial of stealing a wallet inside Chinook Winds Casino Resort.
Lincoln City Police were called to...