Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sign theft attempt at Blue Heron Landing

Blue Heron Landing sign with now missing carved salmon

For the second time in less than 30 days suspects have been caught trying to steal iconic signs in Lincoln City.

First, in late August, was the attempted pilfering of painted caricatures from the exterior wall of the former Lil’ Sambos restaurant.

On Wednesday evening at approximately 8:30p.m. Lincoln City police were alerted to a possible theft of signage from the former Blue Heron Landing-now owned by the Devils Lake Water Improvement District (DLWID). 

Damaged support for sign

According to DLWID Lake Manager Boone Marker, a caretaker living on the property called police when he noticed a group of men removing a sign from a wall of the building and then trying to use a battery operated hacksaw to cut through a metal pipe holding the huge round Blue Heron sign.

Sign removed but left behind and theft/vandalism tools (photo courtesy DLWID)

Police arrived and confronted the group who tried to explain to the responding officer that they had ‘the owner’s permission” to take the signs.

Suspects interviewed at the scene of the crime (photo courtesy DLWID)

According to the Lincoln City police log “A report was taken.”  No arrests were made or citations issued for the event. Homepage is waiting for more details from the Lincoln City Police Department and we will pass that information along when it becomes available.

According to Marker, “It wasn’t until Thursday morning that we realized things were stolen and vandalized.  It’s an ongoing investigation.”

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Don Williams
Don Williams
Don Williams serves as publisher and editor of The Lincoln City Homepage.


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