In an effort to reestablish partnerships between her office and the North County area, Lincoln County Commissioner-elect Kaety Jacobson has announced several dates for visitation while in Lincoln City.
A bill to make Oregon the first state in the nation to adopt statewide rent control and make it more difficult for landlords to evict tenants without a reason has evoked swift and stern local reaction.
It is the middle of week three and the legislative session is off to a very busy start! Committees are hearing bills, the phones are ringing, we receive hundreds of emails each morning, and I've been holding information meetings during every unscheduled moment each day here in Salem.
As the Federal shutdown enters a fourth week, 1,135 active duty Coast Guard members and 138 Coast Guard reservists on the Oregon coast remain on the job, but unpaid.
Dick Anderson narrowly led a hotly contested race for Lincoln City mayor that was too close to call late Tuesday when the final printout of results was released at approximately 11 p.m.