Saturday, March 15, 2025
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Two men arrested for drugs, gun seized


Lincoln City Police arrested two men under City Hall Wednesday on drug and weapons charges after an officer noticed one of the men had an active warrant.

The two men, both from Otis, were sitting in a silver Honda in the parking garage under City Hall around 4:15 p.m., when an officer recognized one of the men as having an active warrant for his arrest. Police also had information the man was possibly armed.

Police say they put an arrest plan together and along with detectives, took the men into custody without further incident.

During the investigation, a handgun was recovered and examined. According to LCPD, the serial number on the gun was “obliterated and unreadable.”

Criminal quantities of fentanyl and methamphetamine were also seized.

Daniel Wayne Wilson, 36, had two warrants out of Yamhill County and Polk County for failing to appear on DUII, eluding, reckless driving and criminal mischief charges. He was charged by LCPD for possession of meth and fentanyl.

Kelton Dane Converse, 19, had a Lincoln City warrant for failing to appear on assault, harassment and disorderly conduct charges and was charged with possession of a firearm with an obliterated/changed serial number.

Both suspects were transported to Lincoln County Jail.

Converse’s bail was set at $40,000 and his next court appearance is on Oct. 27.

Wilson’s bail was set at $107,500 and will also appear Oct. 27.

Samaritan’s Tamayo wins prestigious nurse award


Cristina Tamayo

Cristina Tamayo, a registered nurse at Samaritan North Lincoln Hospital, has received the Oregon Outstanding Nurse Preceptor Award, joining an elite group of just 14 nurses across the state to be honored this year by the Oregon Center for Nursing.

Tamayo and the other outstanding preceptors from Oregon hospitals – large and small, rural and urban – were recognized at a virtual event earlier this year. They were celebrated for supporting Oregon’s nursing workforce in their critical role as nurse preceptor, even during unprecedented challenges and workforce shortages.

“Nurse preceptors play a vital role in health care organizations,” said Jana Bitton, executive director of the Oregon Center for Nursing. “We are proud to be able to honor the incredible work of Oregon’s nurse preceptors.”

Nurse preceptors are a key part of successful onboarding and retention of new nursing staff. They support student learning, onboard experienced nurses new to the organization and help newly graduated nurses transition into practice.

The nomination for Tamayo stated, “Often, when starting somewhere new, it can be so overwhelming. Cristina is systematic in her preceptor style, making learning that much easier. She is encouraging and supportive during the learning process. She is patient and kind to her patients and her co-workers. Her knowledge and professionalism make co-workers feel comfortable asking questions or for help to problem-solve issues.”

Tamayo joined Samaritan Health Services in 2008 as an obstetrics technician at Samaritan Pacific Communities Hospital. In 2013 she became a registered nurse and transferred to the Lincoln City hospital, providing care in the medical/surgical unit before transferring to the intensive care unit.

To learn more about the award and its recipients, visit

Rain to end unseasonably dry weather


Lincoln City Rain

National Weather Service Portland (NWS) issued a Special Weather Statement calling for significant widespread rain over the weekend.

The rainy season likely begins in earnest Friday or Saturday as the first in a series of Pacific frontal systems moves across the Pacific Northwest. This will bring an end to the extended unseasonably dry and hot weather.

According to NWS, a strong cold front moves into the region Friday with expected rainfall amounts of a quarter to half inch in the valleys and one to two inches along the coast. Temperatures will cool off into the 60’s Friday and will be in the 50’s for the weekend.

Roads could get slippery so drivers should take caution due to latent oil accumulation in the dry months.

Clogged drains and gutters could overfill, so now would be the time to clean out dead leaves and debris.

Fishermen were excited for the news as they said they have been waiting for the rains to drive fish upstream. The rain should allow fish to reach spawning grounds.

Homepage Halloween Photo Contest

Homepage Halloween Contest

Lincoln City Homepage is looking for the community’s spookiest images of Jack-O’-Lanterns, costumes and pets for a chance to win a portion of $100 in gift certificates to Lil’ Sambos Restaurant.

Another first-ever Homepage venture, the Homepage Halloween Photo Contest will be judged by kids who deem photos worthy of a feast of pancakes, eggs and whatever else Lil’ Sambos makes.

Contest ends 8 p.m. Oct. 31.

Prizes will be split among four winners and awarded in the following categories:

Best Pumpkin Carving – $25

Best Kids Costume – $25

Best Adult Costume – $25

Best Pet Costume -$25

Winners will be notified by email.

Upload images right here using the form below.

Employees and family of Lincoln City Homepage and Lil’ Sambos are not allowed to enter. 

By submitting your photo you agree to let us post it in a follow-up article and our associated Facebook pages.

    Homepage reserves the right to alter contest at any time.

    Slap happy in Oceanlake


    Like some kind of modern day hieroglyphics, vinyl adhesive stickers cover utility boxes, street signs and power meters in the Oceanlake district of Lincoln City.

    They tell a story, of sorts; of humor, of protest, of corporation adoration. Ranging from bewildering to funny they seem to exist only where large amounts of people walk.

    The stickers mysteriously appear and no one ever claims credit. Local business owners, when asked, had no clue why the stickers outside of their front doors were there.  Of the several that were asked none seemed aware that the stickers were there until it was pointed out to them.

    Robots, zombies and squirrels mix with body builders, skulls and grotesque faces. Those that have words on them are cryptic in their brevity: “Anessa is my bartender,” or “Urchin” or “Bloodbath.” Some stickers known as “slappers” are nothing more than reused United States Postal Service Priority mail stickers with handwritten notes. One can only assume that the postal service does not approve.

    Long ago, those known as “hobos” would leave symbols carved into various fence posts or railroad buildings to let others in similar circumstances know about what they could expect in that town. Whether the police were lenient or handouts were plentiful or just to let others know they were still alive. These markings became known as “monikers.”

    Returning to the present day, it could be argued that graffiti serves a similar purpose as the monikers, minus the helpful information, by simply letting the world know the artist was there.  And there seems to be a respect among the “slappers” to never cover over another’s “slap” with their own.

    Stickers don’t tell us much about the town where they are stuck. All we can learn from them is that someone passed by and felt an overwhelming urge to share them. Yet, in an almost respectful manner, they always seem to end up on public, not private, property,  but one can see the spread to public trash cans and crossing signals. Perhaps that’s why there has been no outcry like that against those that would spray paint, etch in glass or use permanent markers on buildings.  But as the utility boxes and power meters overflow with the stickers and spread elsewhere there may be penalties that follow for vandalizing public property.

    In the end, like so many things in life, one can enjoy or ignore what is placed in front of them. In any case, they are interesting to look at, to study, and to wonder about.

    Spirit, Leadership & Solutions Vote for Carolyn Nguyen


    Lincoln City Homepage Letters to the editor

    Lincoln City needs new leadership. During the most recent local events, there have been issues of irresponsibility of current elected officials and Social Media clips of city officials that either don’t represent our city or take inappropriate decisions based on equity, service and fairness for all. We need change and an ethical approach to solving these financial, growth and family values back to benefit us all.

    In the last election Carolyn Nguyen was within a hand full of votes of winning the election and over 600 voters that had her trust. We believed in her to represent our Ward #2 and bring diversity and inclusion to the City Council. The current City Council voted to bring in a third party to better suit their views and agenda. We call foul that a special election was not deployed and only brought on more distrust of the people.

    Carolyn will bring fair and well researched solutions in our most important future. Do we really need representatives that side with Oregon’s progressive elitist bureaucrats that have decimated the whole state already? No. Just more of the same. Lets protect what we have with no special agenda, only value, pride and integrity that Carolyn can bring to Lincoln City!

    Monte Wolverton
    Lincoln City Ward 2

    Inaugural Homepage Candidate Forum ‘passes unanimously’

    The inaugural Lincoln City Homepage Candidate Forum was deemed a timely success by candidates and the audience Wednesday night.

    Homepage’s Cary Moore injected humor into his moderation duties, keeping candidates and the crowd entertained. The green, yellow, and red timing system, run by former Lincoln City Mayor Don Williams, kept the forum flowing. A Facebook live stream of the event started at 7 p.m., which drew a couple hundred viewers within the first half hour.

    Candidates answered questions about crime, homelessness, affordable housing and were presented with what is arguably John F. Kennedy’s most famous quote; made into the form of a question:

    “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

    (John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”  What would you ask the people of Lincoln County or Lincoln City to do for their hometown?)

    Answers to that question drew a variety of answers with many asking for the community to get involved with government. Watch our video for full details.

    The political hopefuls made their closing statements shortly after 8 p.m.

    “So, check this out,” Moore said after the last candidate spoke. “Eight o’ one.” The candidates erupted at Moore’s nod to the predicted one hour time frame for the event he told them at the beginning.

    A special appearance from Representative David Gomberg surprised Homepage staff and the incumbent sat down for an interview after the forum.

    “Oh my goodness good questions — great people — interesting answers,” he said. “I think there’s tough choices ahead for Lincoln City.”

    Gomberg went over the candidate questions and pointed out how he voted against his party’s wishes and “had the scars to show for it.” He also went into great detail about what could be done for affordable housing. Gomberg said it was his job to bring state money to Lincoln City, where the City Council can use it to address problems.

    Members of the audience said Lincoln County Commissioner candidate Casey Miller “did a good job of answering city-based questions in a county-wide way.”

    Below is the email Homepage sent out to the candidates before the forum, because as always, we are giving you transparency:

    Hello candidates,

    After much deliberation we have finalized our agenda.  The evening will go as follows:

    Greetings from moderator

    Pledge of allegiance

    Moderator will inform everyone that candidate order has been determined by random drawing

    Introduction of candidates by name and position running for 

    Candidates each receive 30 seconds to say hello and give a brief biography

    Questions begin

    Each candidate will answer the same question (read by moderator).  Each candidate will be provided with the questions ahead of time as we felt it would help you craft your thoughts and help with the time constraints,  but please do not read your answers from notes.  

    Candidates will have two minutes to answer.

    At the end of questioning, candidates will have up to one minute to summarize their candidacy.

    End of forum.

    Special note:  We are including a list of all questions that we have created or received from the public.  We will present them to you and the audience.  

    We will have an area at the entrance for your signs, brochures or flyers.

    As of today we have confirmation from the following candidates:

    Casey Miller – County Commissioner

    Sydney Kasner – Ward 2

    Carolyn Nguyen-Ward 2

    Rick Mark – Ward 3

    Susan Wahlke – Mayor

    Mellissa Sumner – Ward 3

    Riley Hoagland – Mayor

    We will have seating for approx. 30 audience members.  Parking is available out front and on the street.  Parking is allowed on the back gravel lot but it is not well lit and should be used with caution.

    Questions from the moderator

    1.   A comedian on Netflix told his Denver audience that they were one bad Mayor away from being Portland. We all know what he meant;  it means homeless tent camps, abandoned campers, violence, open drug use and kid’s whose bus shelters contain needles and crack pipes.   All that is here and is getting worse. 

    What policies would you advocate to effect change?

    1. According to a Homepage Facebook poll when asked “What topics would you like the candidates to address?”  out of 107 votes

           44%  said  “Housing”

           13%  said   “Kids activities”

           9%    said  “Taxes”

           8%    said  “Traffic”

           7%    said  “Business Health”

      Please choose one of these items and give your opinion as to what role local government should have in these.

    1. John F. Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”  What would you ask the people of Lincoln County or Lincoln City to do for their hometown?

    Thank you so much for your participation and your willingness to serve.  We hope that tonight’s activity was beneficial to your campaigns.

    Doomsday Committee can’t be corralled


    A MEETING of the Emergency Preparedness Committee takes place in a near-empty CDepoe Bay City Hall. (Photos by Rick Beasley)
    A MEETING of the Emergency Preparedness Committee takes place in a near-empty Depoe Bay City Hall. (Photos by Rick Beasley)

    DEPOE BAY — A self-appointed committee of city councilors that was supposed to prepare vulnerable Depoe Bay for The Big One instead brazenly defied state law, produced nothing but chaos and left City Hall in shambles.

    In the committee’s wake was the unexplained exodus of half the city’s professional staff, a development which disrupted finances, budget planning and regular tasks. Left on the desks of overworked municipal employees was an imposing pile of unfinished projects ordered-up by a busybody group called the “Emergency Preparedness Committee.”

    Created in Oct. 2021 to get the town ready for the June, 2022, “Cascadia Rising” statewide tsunami drill, the “ad-hoc” board instead met secretly for months to discuss anything but emergency drills, as it turned out.

    The cozy committee was made up of Mayor Kathy Short and fellow councilors Lindsy Bedingfield and Joyce King.

    Depoe Bay City Council
    DOOMSDAY COMMITTEE MEMBERS (left to right) Kathy Short, Joyce King and Lindsy Bedingfield

    After a public records request in Feb., 2022, exposed the trio’s surreptitious meeting style, former City Recorder Barbara Chester directed the maverick committee to announce future meetings and publish minutes “so that we adhere to the Public Meetings Laws.”

    Mayor Short responded to the unusual admonishment at the March 1 council session, blaming COVID and excusing the committee because they “had only been gathering information.” Councilor Bedingfield dismissed the flap, claiming against the advice of experts that three councilors doing city business didn’t comprise a quorum, anyway.

    So what was the committee actually doing? Was it soberly updating emergency plans, or partnering with first-providers to gird Depoe Bay for a natural catastrophe? Did it make residents safer from The Big One?

    Hardly, according to Chestler, who claimed she was badgered and threatened with an executive session for trying to reign-in the defiant committee. In a whistleblower complaint later sent to Mayor Short and the city attorney, Chestler reported the following:

    “The Committee…has continually met on a weekly basis in City Hall without notice, an agenda, minutes and without the allowance of public participation. There has only been one brief report to the council of this committee’s activities. These are three council members conducting city business. There have been grant applications prepared and not on record with the city’s council, or filed in the recorder’s office, MOU’s (Memorandums of Understanding) requested and negotiated without notice to the council or the recorder’s office.”

    Chestler added, “On February 11, 2022, it was found this committee was conducting ‘other’ city business, soliciting to spend city funds and giving direction and projects to staff to complete. This was being done outside of a full quorum or knowledge of the council.”

    Chestler, with an unblemished 40-year career in public service, informed Short and the attorney she was filing the complaint “for my protection as the city’s recorder and for the protection of the city.”

    Then the recorder who had been largely responsible for restoring order to the town’s desperate finances quit, claiming the committee was looking for a way to fire her. Left on Chestler’s desk was a March 31 memo from Mayor Short claiming the emergency committee had other things to do and ordering the besieged recorder to arrange “a huge public push to get the (Cascadia Rising) exercise coming up in June promoted and organized.”

    To divert attention from its self-inflicted wound, the city council at Councilor Fran Recht’s urging launched an “investigation” into the city recorder’s final paycheck, which had swelled about $11,000 with two years of unclaimed vacations and comp time. When the city’s chief financial clerk subsequently quit in disgust, Mayor Short ordered city hall public hours cut by half. In an ironic twist, the town’s tsunami warning sirens were declared inoperable.

    How did the city council react to this upheaval? Apparently duped or callous to the damage it caused, the city council voted 6-1 to reward the committee with fulltime status in August, 2022, allowing it a staff secretary and other costly trimmings.

    Only Councilor Jerome Grant voted against the shocking motion, stating the obvious: “The city doesn’t need another committee to manage.” Short was silent during the one-sided debate, having just resigned from the committee to distance herself from the open-meetings fiasco.

    MAYOR HOPEFUL JEROME GRANT said he was running for mayor against Short on Nov. 8 in part to get busybody city councilors out of City Hall, where they have no business.
    MAYOR HOPEFUL JEROME GRANT said he was running for mayor against Short on Nov. 8 in part to get busybody city councilors out of City Hall, where they have no business.

    Grant said he was running for mayor against Short on Nov. 8 in part to get meddling city councilors out of City Hall, where they have no business.

    Though charged with maintaining a “high level of readiness” for a wide array of emergencies, the committee announced on Oct. 4 it would take the month off, disregarding another statewide drill, “The Great Oregon Shakeout” slated for Oct. 20.

    “While tremors are often reported off the Oregon coast, it was no earthquake that shook Depoe Bay City Hall. Instead, it was a tidal wave of arrogant and inexperienced elected officials that left the town’s fragile government in needless disarray.”

    Lincoln County Planning Commission seeks new members


    Lincoln County Planning

    Lincoln County is seeking new members to serve on the Lincoln County Planning Commission.

    The Planning Commission plays a key role in the administration of land use planning within the unincorporated areas of Lincoln County.  The primary duties of the Commission are to conduct public hearings and help make decisions on local land use applications and permits.  The Commission also reviews and makes recommendations on amendments to the comprehensive plan and land use regulations.

    The Planning Commission receives staff support from the Lincoln County Department of Planning and Development which is responsible for the administration of land use planning, building inspection, on-site sewage disposal and related land development regulatory programs in the unincorporated areas of the County.

    There are two north coast vacancies (north of Cape Foulweather).  Regular members serve four-year terms. Members typically meet twice per month from 7-9pm and usually spend an additional 1-3 hours per month studying materials often in preparation for meetings.

    Onno Husing, Lincoln County Director of Planning and Development, said, “Being on the Lincoln County Planning Commission is a great way to serve Lincoln County. The issues that come before the Planning Commission have a big impact on people and on our environment.”  Husing added, “I urge people to contact us if they are interested.  We’ll walk them through how the process works and field questions.”

    County residents interested in serving on the Planning Commission may download an application on Lincoln County’s web site or pick up an application in the Board of Commissioners Office in Room #110 in the Lincoln County Courthouse, Newport.


    The position is open until filled. 

    For more information contact: DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT – (541) 265-4192 

    Completed applications may be delivered in person/mailed to, Lincoln County Courthouse, 225 W. Olive Street, Room #110, Newport, OR 97365 or emailed to [email protected]

    THE MISSING MINUTES: ‘No-account’ city hall fails to keep written records


    Minutes from a 2017 Depoe Bay city council meeting provide context and facts for hotly debated issues today. Mayor Kathy Short promised but never delivered nearly six months of missing records.
    Minutes from a 2017 Depoe Bay city council meeting provide context and facts for hotly debated issues today. Mayor Kathy Short promised but never delivered nearly six months of missing records.

    DEPOE BAY — The City of Depoe Bay has failed to provide written accounts of dozens of city council meetings since the resignation of whistle-blowing city recorder Barbara Chestler in April, and Mayor Kathy Short seems to say, “Who cares?”

    “I do!” declared City Councilman Jerome Grant, the only city councilor willing to speak out on the issue. “Why is the mayor handing out bonuses and raises to staff for a job ‘well done’ when the job’s not done, yet?”

    Written or audio records of all public meetings are required to be kept by state law. Only written minutes, however, are practical to citizens, journalists, auditors and city staff to study and oversee seven influential committees plus the city council with scores of regular and special sessions. According to Roberts Rules of Order, the reading and approval of minutes is so important it occupies a meeting’s first order of business.

    “This is wreaking havoc with transparency and trust,” charged Grant, a businessman who is challenging the enigmatic Short in the Nov. 8 mayor’s race. “We can’t keep track of our own decisions without minutes, and the public has no idea what we’re up to.”

    “We can’t keep track of our own decisions without minutes, and the public has no idea what we’re up to.”

    Jerome Grant, Depoe Bay city councilor

    Both the city charter and council rules mandate written meeting records, including how each councilor votes. But months after a walkout by key City Hall staff, including the recorder and a chief financial clerk, questions arose from the public and press about the so-called “missing minutes” during a recent council meeting.

    After an inconclusive discussion with a city secretary assigned to take notes, Mayor Short promised but never delivered nearly six months of missing records.

    The oft-ignored Roberts Rules, authorized by a 2003 city council resolution as the benchmark for conduct of Depoe Bay meetings, cites the importance of writing down and reporting the exact wording of motions that often become laws.

    A company hired by the city last year to “codify” and streamline 50 years of forgotten resolutions and sometimes-conflicting ordinances relied on the city’s written council minutes, dating back to 1972, to complete the massive study. But it has been stymied in further work since the written record of meetings died out last spring.

    Meanwhile, Short unilaterally announced the city would be awarding the remaining city hall staff $5,000 in bonuses, new titles and raises.  But as Short might say with a nonchalant shrug, “Who cares?”